
List of publications

year 1995 1996 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
(MIUR MIUR)                   

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BibTeX files (rf.bib and rf-abstracts.bib); use \cite{Fantonikkα} where "kk" are the last two digits of the year and "α" a letter

Hirsch index h=16

year 1995

1. Fantoni R. and Tosi M.P., Nuovo Cimento 17D, 155 (1995),
"Decay of correlations and related sum rules in a layered classical plasma"
2. Fantoni R. and Tosi M.P., Nuovo Cimento 17D, 1165 (1995),
"Coordinate space form of interacting reference response function of d-dimensional jellium"

year 1996

3. Fantoni R. and Tosi M.P., Physica B 217, 35 (1996),
"Some properties of short-range correlations for electrons in quantum wires"

year 2003

4. Fantoni R., Jancovici B., and Téllez G., J. Stat. Phys. 112, 27 (2003),
"Pressures for a One-Component Plasma on a Pseudosphere", Springer Nature SharedIt
5. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., J. Chem. Phys. 119, 3810 (2003),
"Generating functionals, consistency, and uniqueness in the integral equation theory of liquids"
6. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., Phys. Rev. E 68, 046104 (2003),
"Stability of the iterative solutions of integral equations as one phase freezing criterion"

year 2004

7. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., Physica A 332, 349 (2004), (*)
"Direct correlation functions of the Widom-Rowlinson model"
8. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., J. Chem. Phys. 120, 10681 (2004),
"Computer simulation study of the closure relations in hard sphere fluids"

year 2005

9. Fantoni R., Gazzillo D., and Giacometti A., J. Chem. Phys. 122, 034901 (2005),
"Stability boundaries, percolation threshold, and two phase coexistence for polydisperse fluids of adhesive colloidal particles"
10. Fantoni R., Gazzillo D., and Giacometti A., Phys. Rev. E. 72, 011503 (2005),
"Thermodynamic instabilities of a binary mixture of sticky hard spheres"

year 2006

11. Gazzillo D., Giacometti A., Fantoni R., and Sollich P., Phys. Rev. E. 74, 051407 (2006),
"Multicomponent adhesive hard sphere models and short-ranged attractive interactions in colloidal or micellar solutions"
12. Gazzillo D., Fantoni R., and Giacometti A., Mol. Phys. 104, 3451 (2006),
"Phase behavior of polydisperse sticky hard spheres: Analytical solutions and perturbation theory"
13. Fantoni R., Gazzillo D., Giacometti A., and Sollich P., J. Chem. Phys. 125, 164504 (2006),
"Phase behavior of weakly polydisperse sticky hard spheres: Perturbation theory for the Percus-Yevick solution"

year 2007

14. Fantoni R., Gazzillo D., Giacometti A., Miller M. A., and Pastore G., J. Chem. Phys. 127, 234507 (2007), (*)
"Patchy sticky hard spheres: Analytical study and Monte Carlo simulations"

year 2008

15. Gazzillo D., Fantoni R., and Giacometti A., Phys. Rev. E 78, 021201 (2008),
"Fluids of spherical molecules with dipolarlike nonuniform adhesion: An analytically solvable anisotropic model"
16. Santos A., Fantoni R., and Giacometti A., Phys. Rev. E 77, 051206 (2008),
"Penetrable Square-Well fluids: Exact results in one dimension"
(arXiv:0804.3703) Featured in the SkLogWiki
17. Fantoni R., and Téllez G., J. Stat. Phys. 133, 449 (2008),
"Two dimensional one-component plasma on a Flamm's paraboloid", Springer Nature SharedIt

year 2009

18. Fantoni R., Giacometti A., Malijevský A., and Santos A., J. Chem. Phys. 131, 124106 (2009),
"Penetrable-Square-Well fluids: Analytical study and Monte Carlo simulations"
(arXiv:0907.5559) Featured in the SkLogWiki
19. Gazzillo D., Fantoni R., and Giacometti A., Phys. Rev. E. 80, 061207 (2009),
"Local orientational ordering in fluids of spherical molecules with dipolar-like anisotropic adhesion"
20. Santos A., Fantoni R., and Giacometti A., J. Chem. Phys. 131, 181105 (2009),
"Thermodynamic consistency of energy and virial routes: An exact proof within the linearized Debye-Hückel theory"
(arXiv:0910.1670) Featured among the Top 14 most downloaded JCP article in November 2009

year 2010

21. Fantoni R., Giacometti A., Malijevský A., and Santos A., J. Chem. Phys. 133, 024101 (2010),
"A Numerical Test of a High-Penetrability Approximation for the One-Dimensional Penetrable-Square-Well Model"
22. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Mech. P07030 (2010),
"Non existence of a phase transition for the Penetrable Square Well model in one dimension"
(arXiv:1007.1513) Featured in the SkLogWiki

year 2011

23. Fantoni R., Giacometti A., Sciortino F., and Pastore G., Soft Matter 7, 2419 (2011), (*)
"Cluster theory of Janus particles", erratum
(arXiv:1012.1820) Featured among the Top 10 most downloaded SM articles in February 2011 RSC Blog RSC Blog
24. Fantoni R., Malijevský A., Santos A., and Giacometti A., Europhys. Lett. 93, 26002 (2011),
"Phase diagram of the penetrable square well-model"
(arXiv:1101.0708) Featured in the SkLogWiki
25. Fantoni R. and Müller-Nedebock K. K., Phys. Rev. E 84, 011808 (2011),
"Field theoretical approach to a dense polymer with an ideal binary mixture of clustering centers"
26. Fantoni R., Malijevský A., Santos A., and Giacometti A., Mol. Phys. 109, 2723 (2011),
"The penetrable square-well model: Extensive versus non-extensive phases"
(arXiv:1106.1750) Featured in the SkLogWiki
27. Fantoni R. and Santos A., Phys. Rev. E 84, 041201 (2011), (*)
"Nonadditive hard-sphere fluid mixtures. A simple analytical theory"
(arXiv:1107.4703) Supplemental material.

year 2012

28. Fantoni R., Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 108 (2012),
"A cluster theory for a Janus fluid"
29. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Mech. P04015 (2012), (*)
"Two component plasma in a Flamm's paraboloid"
30. Fantoni R., Salari J. W. O., and Klumperman B., Phys. Rev. E 85, 061404 (2012),
"The structure of colloidosomes with tunable particle density: Simulation vs experiment", summary
31. Fantoni R., Phys. Rev. B 86, 144304 (2012), (*)
"Localization of acoustic polarons at low temperatures: A path integral Monte Carlo approach"
32. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Mech. P10024 (2012),
"The density of a fluid on a curved surface"

year 2013

33. Fantoni R., Physica B 412, 112 (2013),
"Low temperature acoustic polaron localization"
34. Fantoni R., Solid State Communications 159, 106 (2013),
"Hellmann and Feynman theorem versus diffusion Monte Carlo experiment"
35. Maestre M. A. G., Fantoni R., Giacometti A., and Santos A., J. Chem. Phys. 138, 094904 (2013), (*)
"Janus fluid with fixed patch orientations: Theory and simulations"
36. Fantoni R. and Santos A., Phys. Rev. E 87, 042102 (2013),
"Multicomponent fluid of nonadditive hard spheres near a wall"
37. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., Europhys. Lett. 101, 46003 (2013),
"The restricted primitive model of ionic fluids with nonadditive diameters"
38. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., Phys. Rev. E 87, 052303 (2013), (*)
"Monte Carlo simulation of the nonadditive restricted primitive model of ionic fluids: Phase diagram and clustering"
(arXiv:1304.6757) Featured in the Kaleidoscope of PRE.
39. Fantoni R., Eur. Phys. J. B 86, 286 (2013),
"Radial distribution function in a Diffusion Monte Carlo simulation of a Fermion fluid between the ideal gas and the Jellium model"
40. Fantoni R., Giacometti A., Maestre M. A. G., and Santos A., J. Chem. Phys. 139, 174902 (2013),
"Phase diagrams of Janus fluids with up-down constrained orientations"

year 2014

41. Fantoni R. and Santos A., J. Chem. Phys. 140, 244513 (2014),
"Depletion force in the infinite-dilution limit in a solvent of nonadditive hard spheres"
42. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., J. Chem. Phys. 141, 074108 (2014),
"Wertheim and Bjerrum-Tani-Henderson theories for associating fluids: A critical assessment"
43. Fantoni R., Phys. Rev. E 90, 020102(R) (2014), (*)
"Gas-liquid coexistence for the bosons square-well fluid and the 4He binodal anomaly"
44. Fantoni R. and Moroni S., J. Chem. Phys. 141, 114110 (2014),
"Quantum Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo"

year 2015

45. Fantoni R. and Pastore G., Mol. Phys. 113, 2593 (2015),
"Wertheim perturbation theory: Thermodynamics and structure of patchy colloids"
46. Fantoni R., Giacometti A., and Santos A., J. Chem. Phys. 142, 224905 (2015),
"Bridging and depletion mechanisms in colloid-colloid effective interactions: A reentrant phase diagram"
47. Fantoni R., Phys. Rev. E 92, 012133 (2015),
"Two-phase coexistence for hydrogen-helium mixtures"

year 2016

48. Fantoni R., Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 1 (2016),
"Supercooled superfluids in Monte Carlo simulations"
49. Alastuey A. and Fantoni R., J. Stat. Phys. 163, 887 (2016),
"Fourth moment sum rule for the charge correlations of a two-component classical plasma", Springer Nature SharedIt
50. Fantoni R., Physica A 457, 406 (2016),
"The Square-Shoulder-Asakura-Oosawa model"
51. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Phys. 163, 1247 (2016),
"Exact results for one dimensional fluids through functional integration", erratum, Springer Nature SharedIt

year 2017

52. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Phys. 166, 1334 (2017),
"One-dimensional fluids with positive potentials", Springer Nature SharedIt
53. Fantoni R., Physica A 477C, 187 (2017),
"The moment sum-rules for ionic liquids at criticality"
54. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Phys. 168, 652 (2017),
"Andersen-Weeks-Chandler perturbation theory and one-component sticky-hard-spheres", Springer Nature SharedIt
55. Fantoni R. and Santos A., J. Stat. Phys. 169, 1171 (2017),
"One-dimensional fluids with second nearest-neighbor interactions", Springer Nature SharedIt
56. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Mech. 113101 (2017),
"White-dwarfs equation of state and structure: The effect of temperature"

year 2018

57. Fantoni R., Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 29, 1850028 (2018),
"Two component boson-fermion plasma at finite temperature"
58. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Mech. 043103 (2018),
"Effect of quantum dispersion on the radial distribution function of a one-component SHS fluid"
59. Fantoni R., Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 29, 1850064 (2018),
"One-component fermion plasma on a sphere at finite temperature"
60. Fantoni R., Physica A 515C, 682 (2018),
"From the Liouville to the Smoluchowski equation for a colloidal solute particle in a solvent"

year 2019

61. Fantoni R., Physica A 524, 177 (2019),
"Plasma living in a curved surface at some special temperature"
62. Fantoni R., Indian J. Phys. 95, 1027 (2021),
"Form invariance of the moment sum-rules for jellium with the addition of short-range terms in the pair-potential", Springer Nature SharedIt

year 2020

63. Fantoni R., J. Low Temp. Phys. 202, 247 (2021), (*)
"How should we choose the boundary conditions in a simulation which could detect anyons in one and two dimensions?", Springer Nature SharedIt

year 2021

64. Fantoni R., Eur. Phys. J. B 94, 63 (2021),
"Jellium at finite non zero temperature using the restricted worm algorithm", Springer Nature SharedIt
65. Fantoni R. and Klauder J. R., Phys. Rev. D 103, 076013 (2021),
"Affine quantization of (φ4)4 succeeds while canonical quantization fails"
66. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Mech. 083102 (2021),
"Monte Carlo evaluation of the continuum limit of (ϕ12)3"
67. Fantoni R. and Klauder J. R., J. Stat. Phys. 184, 28 (2021),
"Monte Carlo evaluation of the continuum limit of the two-point function of the Euclidean free real scalar field subject to affine quantization", Springer Nature SharedIt
68. Fantoni R., Maestre M. A. G., and Santos A., J. Stat. Mech. 103210 (2021),
"Finite-size effects and thermodynamic limit in one-dimensional Janus fluids"
69. Fantoni R. and Klauder J. R., Phys. Rev. D 104, 054514 (2021),
"Monte Carlo evaluation of the continuum limit of the two-point function of two Euclidean Higgs real scalar fields subject to affine quantization"
70. Fantoni R., Mol. Phys. 120, 4 (2021),
"Jellium at finite temperature"

year 2022

71. Fantoni R. and Klauder J. R., Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 37, 2250029 (2022),
"Eliminating Nonrenormalizability Helps Prove Scaled Affine Quantization of φ44 is Nontrivial"
72. Fantoni R. and Klauder J. R., Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 37, 2250094 (2022),
"Kinetic Factors in Affine Quantization and Their Role in Field Theory Monte Carlo"
73. Fantoni R. and Klauder J. R., Eur. Phys. J. C 82, 843 (2022),
"Scaled Affine Quantization of φ44 in the Low Temperature Limit"
74. Fantoni R. and Klauder J. R., Phys. Rev. D 106, 114508 (2022),
"Scaled Affine Quantization of Ultralocal φ42 a comparative Path Integral Monte Carlo study with Scaled Canonical Quantization"

year 2023

75. Fantoni R., J. Stat. Mech. 083103 (2023),
"One-component fermion plasma on a sphere at finite temperature. The anisotropy in the paths conformations"
76. Klauder J. R. and Fantoni R., Axioms 12, 911 (2023),
"The Magnificent Realm of Affine Quantization: valid results for particles, fields, and gravity"
(arXiv:2303.13792) (preprints202304.1134.v1)
77. Fantoni R., Mod. Phys. Lett. A 38, 2350167 (2023),
"Scaled Affine Quantization of φ123 is Nontrivial"
78. Fantoni R., Eur. Phys. J. B 96, 155 (2023),
"Monte Carlo simulation of Hard-, Square-Well, and Square-Shoulder Disks in narrow channels", Springer Nature SharedIt

year 2024

79. Fantoni R., Quantum Rep. 6, 134 (2024),
"Continuum limit of the Green function in scaled affine φ44 quantum Euclidean covariant relativistic field theory"
(arXiv:2402.10903) (preprints202312.2122/v2)
80. Klauder J. R. and Fantoni R., Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 39, 2450094 (2024),
"Thank The Quantum Realm For Nothing Ever Entering Into Black Holes"
81. Fantoni R., The Physics Educator 6, 2420004 (2024),
"Static screening in a degenerate electron plasma"
82. Fantoni R., The Physics Educator 6, 2450012 (2024),
"Thermodynamic limit of the free electron gas on a circle"
83. Klauder J. R. and Fantoni R., Academia Quantum 1 (2024),
"The Secret to Fixing Incorrect Canonical Quantizations"
84. Fantoni R., Quantum Rep. 6, 706 (2024),
"Statistical Gravity through Affine Quantization"

year 2025

85. Fantoni R., The Physics Educator accepted (2025),
"Wigner crystallization versus Goldstone theorem in a 2D surface one component plasma"
86. Fantoni R., J. Chem. Phys. submitted (2025),
"The structure of a fluid in the canonical and in the grand canonical ensembles"
87. Fantoni R., Physica A submitted (2025),
"A Classical Luttinger Liquid"
88. Klauder J. R. and Fantoni R., Int. J. Mod. Phys. A submitted (2025),
"A modest redirection of quantum field theory solves all current problems"
89. Klauder J. R. and Fantoni R., not yet submitted (2025),
"The Number Zero is Welcomed by Mathematics, but Physics Should Be Careful When Dealing With It"
90. Fantoni R., Gravitation and Cosmology submitted (2025),
"Statistical Gravity, ADM splitting, and AQ"
91. Fantoni R., Stats submitted (2025),
"Statistical Gravity and entropy of spacetime"
92. Fantoni R., submitted (2025),
"Sum Rules in Quantum Liquids"
93. Fantoni R., Gravitation and Cosmology submitted (2025),
"Relaxation in scalar gravitational field theory"
94. Fantoni R., in preparation (2025),
"Coherent State Path Integral Monte Carlo for Fermions"
(version A)
(version B)

year 2026

Conferences attended

year 2004

  • "“IX Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Statistica e dei Sistemi Complessi" (Parma 22-24 June). Talk on pubblications (8).

year 2005

  • "6th Liquid Matter Conference" (Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2-6 July). Poster on pubblications (9) and (10).

year 2006

  • "31st Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics" (Primosten, Croatia, 23-26 April). Poster on publication (10).

year 2007

  • "Statphys23" (Genova, Italy, 9-13 July). Poster on publications (14) and (15).

  • "Fluid phase behaviour and critical phenomena from liquid state theories and simulations" (CECAM, Lyon, France, 12 July). Invited speaker on publications (14) and (15).

year 2008

  • "7th Liquid Matter Conference" (Lund, Sweden, 27 June-1 July). Poster on publications (14) and (15).

year 2009

  • "Stellenbosch Physics Department seminar" (Stellenbosch, South Africa). Invited talk on publication (14).

  • "Long-range Interactions in Classical and Quantum Physics" (Stellenbosch, South Africa, 16-27 November). Invited talk on publication (17).

year 2010

  • "Statphys24" (Cairns, Australia, 19-23 July). Oral presentation on publication (17).

  • "35th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics" (Abbaye des Promontres, Pont-a-Mousson, France, 15-19 March). Poster on publication (16), (18), and (20).

  • "The Research Group Statistical Physics in Extremadura (SPhinX)" (Badajoz, Spain, November). Invited talk on publication (18), (21), (24), and (26).

year 2011

  • "8th Liquid Matter Conference" (Vienna, Austria, 6-10 September). Poster on publications (23) and (24).

  • "Equilibration and Equilibrium 2nd Stellenbosch Workshop on Statistical Physics" (Stellenbosch, South Africa 7-18 March). Invited talk on publication (24).

  • "National Institute for Theoretical Physics of South Africa (NITheP)" (Stellenbosch, South Africa, 21 Sptember). Invited talk on publications (23).

year 2012

  • "XCVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF" (Napoli, Italy, 17-21 September). Chairman and Oral presentation on publication (30).

year 2013

  • "38th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics" (ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 25-27 March). Poster on publications (34) and (39).

  • "Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics (FisMat2013)" (Milano, Italy, 9-13 September). Oral presentation on publication (41).

  • "XCIX Congresso Nazionale SIF" (Trieste, Italy, 23-27 September). Abstract on publication (35) and (40).

  • "The Research Group Statistical Physics in Extremadura (SPhinX)" (Badajoz, Spain, October). Invited talk on publication (47).

year 2014

  • "Sigma-Phi-2014" (Rhodes, Greece, 7-11 July). Oral presentation on publications (43) and (44).

year 2015

  • "Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics (FisMat2015)" (Palermo, Italy, 28 September-2 October). Oral presentation on publication (46).

year 2017

  • "The Research Group Statistical Physics in Extremadura (SPhinX)" (Badajoz, Spain, 14 February). Invited talk on publication (61).

  • "Workshop on Understanding Quantum Phenomena with Path Integrals: From Chemical Systems to Quantum fluids and Solids | (smr 3131)" (ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 3-7 July).

  • "10th Liquid Matter Conference" (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17-21 July). Poster on publication (55).

  • "Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics (FisMat2017)" (Trieste, Italy, 1-5 October). Talk on publication (55).

year 2018

  • "6th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Material Science" (Valencia, Spain, 16-18 April). Invited talk on publication (59).


year 2012

year 2013

year 2022

year 2024

Book chapters

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