PhD Theses

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October 2006: M. Capello,
Variational study of the Mott insulators

October 2006: M. Ferrero,
Competing mechanisms in strongly correlated systems close to a Mott transition

October 2007: M. Lugas,
d-wave Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in strongly correlated systems by a new variational approach

October 2008: L.F. Tocchio,
A new variational wave function with backflow correlations for frustrated Hubbard models

October 2008: M.E. Pezzoli,
Disorder and interaction: ground-state properties of the disordered Hubbard model

October 2010: J. Carrasquilla,
The Bose-Hubbard model with disorder in low-dimensional lattices

October 2011: G. Carleo,
Spectral and dynamical properties of strongly-correlated systems: methods and applications

September 2013: W.-J. Hu,
Unconventional phases in doped or frustrated quantum antiferromagnets: a Systematic quantum Monte Carlo study

November 2013: M.-Z. Asadzadeh,
Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in the two-dimensional Kondo lattice model

October 2018: C. de Franco,
Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Two-Band Hubbard Model: A Variational Monte Carlo Perspective

October 2019: J. Hasik,
Towards next-generation methods to optimize two-dimensional tensor networks: Algorithmic differentiation and applications to quantum magnets

October 2019: F. Ferrari,
Static and dynamical properties of frustrated spin models

October 2024: L.L Viteritti,
Neural network approaches to frustrated quantum spin models

September 2012: Y. Iqbal (Supervisor: D. Poilblanc, University of Toulouse ``Paul Sabatier''),
Spin liquids in quantum antiferromagnetic models on two dimensional frustrated lattices