To get some analytical result we try to fit the points for which we evaluated the action with some simple (polynomial) function. In this way we will be able to get an (approximated) relation among , and . The choice of the approximating function is done with two goals in mind:
Figure: Comparison between approximated
and numerical evaluated actions. The expression
is obtained, as described in the text,
by a fit to a suitable polynomial. This figure aims to show that the
main behaviour can be qualitatively approximated, but must not be taken
to imply that the approximation is everywhere very good. Indeed when
the action is very small, a very small approximation error can still
give a relevant relative uncertainty.
Figure 13: Graph of the level curves
for the approximated action levels
. The levels are obtained using the approximating
polynomial action with the function ContourPlot of Mathematica. The thicker dashed black line displays the limit
of the condition
for which bounded trajectories exist.
From the approximated expression (27), which
by (25) and (26) must equal when
multiplied by , we can get the following equation
of the third degree in H,