The results presented above are valid for arbitrary values of the four
parameters entering the problem, namely the mass and the charge of
the external Reißner-Nordström spacetime,
the de Sitter radius of the interior
geometry and the total mass-energy of the dust shell, . We now
specialize them to a more particular setting (which has the
advantage of removing the second line in expression (10)
for the effective potential):
we take the external Reißner-Nordström
spacetime to be extremal, i.e. with ;
we assume that the total mass energy of the shell is
The Penrose diagrams for the full de Sitter and extremal
Reißner-Nordström [80]
spacetimes are shown in figures
1 and 2 respectively.
Figure 1: Maximally extended Penrose
diagram of the de Sitter spacetime.
Figure 2: Maximally extended Penrose
diagram of the extremal Reißner-Nordström spacetime.
Before studying the possible shell trajectories in the two geometries
to identify the bounded ones, which we are interested in, we take full advantage
of the parameter reduction implicit in the assumptions above, by passing
to adimensional variables: this will be more convenient also for the
subsequent numerical treatment. We thus choose
to parametrize all the variables and constants
in terms of the de Sitter cosmological horizon by setting
Then the quantities which are functions of , become functions of ,
all retaining their numerical values but and , which are rescaled by
and respectively:
We thus have for the quantities evaluated along a classical trajectory,
which are relevant in the study
of the classical dynamics4
of course all can be expressed as functions of the single adimensional
parameter .
Following [64,75]
we can study the classical
dynamics in a compact way by means of a comprehensive graphical
method fully exploiting the handy relation (9).
It consists in plotting the potential together with
the metric functions
. Then the
allowed trajectories with the corresponding turning points can be determined looking
at the segments of the -axis (corresponding to zero energy), that are above
the graph of the potential. In this diagram the points where the metric functions vanish,
quickly help in determining if a classical path crosses the horizons of the
external/internal geometry. Moreover the rescaled values of
the radial coordinate for which
changes sign are given, if they exist, by
the values at which the metric function plots are tangent to
the graph of the potential. This graphical information can be completed by
the following analytical results.
Turning points of the potential:
from (20) we see that the potential for has a (double) zero at , so that it is regular at the origin, which is thus a trivial
turning point of classical trajectories. Other turning points may, or may
not, be present, depending on the value assumed by the parameter . Two cases are possible, as shown in figure 3.
Figure: Graph of the potential
for different values of the parameter . Depending on the value of , the classical trajectory can have two non-vanishing turning
points, or no non-vanishing turning points, as shown in the first
and second figure, respectively. The in between case, which occurs
, is depicted in the
third diagram.
Either there can be no other turning points, so that only a so called ``bounce''
classical trajectory exists (as is the case in figure 3
for ), or there can be two more turning points so that in addition
to the bounce trajectory there is also a bounded one (this is also shown in
figure 3 for ). As explicitly proved in A,
the critical value for the parameter ,
gives the in between
case, when the potential is tangent to the axis (third plot, again in figure 3).
We thus see that only for
there are two non-vanishing
turning points
(actually with
) and thus bounded solutions are allowed,
the classical path being represented by the segment
. We note that it is possible to find
in closed form solving the quartic equation that gives
the non-vanishing solutions of
, and this (not very enlightening) expressions are reported
in A.
Horizon positions with respect to the classical path:
to correctly understand the spacetime geometry we also need the relative positions
of the horizons with respect to the classical trajectories. This is also briefly
discussed later on, but it is useful to report here a general result that
can be deduced from figure 4, where for
the turning points, ,
and the horizon of the exterior metric (
) are plotted as functions of .
Figure 4: Graph of the non-negative
roots (,
) of the potential together with the horizon of the ``out'' Reißner-Nordström spacetime. Bounded
trajectories are delimited by the line and the
curve, so that they always cross the
horizon of the Reißner-Nordström spacetime, which the
graph shows to be always smaller than
It can be seen that the classical bounded trajectory, corresponding to the
region between the axis and the
dashed curve, crosses for all values of in the considered range the exterior horizon at . The horizon of the internal de Sitter domain (which
is not plotted and corresponds to the horizontal line in rescaled variables) is instead never crossed by a bounded
the first and second derivatives of the potential are vanishing at ,
and the third derivative is positive,
so that is a local maximum for .
Thanks to the above properties, we can now perform the study of the classical
dynamics for bounded trajectories by restricting the parameter to the range
where we have the general situation shown in figure 5.
The figure shows, for , the potential together with
. The classically
allowed path is the thicker light gray segment on the -axis.
Figure: The graphical method to study
the classical shell trajectories consists in plotting the potential
, together with the curves for the metric functions of the
interior and of the exterior. The light gray path is a classically allowed
bounded trajectory: as discussed in the text it crosses the horizon
of the external geometry but no changes in the orientation of the normals
occur along it.
Let us consider the dynamics in the de Sitter spacetime: the shell expands
from vanishing radius up to a maximum (grayed path in the figure),
which remains inside the de Sitter
cosmological horizon, since, as can be seen, it is not crossed by the trajectory;
then the shell shrinks back to zero radius. The sign of
does not change along the trajectory, since as we can see always from
figure 5, there are no points on the trajectory
in which the plot of
is tangent to : moreover, as can be
easily verified, it is always positive, so that the trajectory
crosses the left part of the de Sitter Penrose diagram. This is shown
in figure 6, where the interior region is the shaded area,
since for
the exterior normal is
pointing to the right.
Figure 6: Penrose diagram of the
de Sitter interior geometry with the bubble trajectory. The interior
domain is the shaded region in the diagram.
In the same way we can perform the analysis in the Reißner-Nordström
domain: we can see (in figure 5, but also from the
above discussion about figure 4) that the bounded
trajectory during the expansion from a vanishing radius,
as well as during the following collapse, crosses the horizon of
the exterior geometry. As before the sign of
does not change along the trajectory (in the zoomed region of figure 5 we
can more clearly see that the metric function graph is not tangent
to the potential) and thus
always. If we
draw the associated Penrose diagram, the exterior region is
the shaded one in figure 7.
Figure 7: Penrose diagram of the
Reißner-Nordström exterior geometry with the bubble trajectory.
The exterior domain is the shaded region in the diagram.
The results shown above rest on two hypotheses, that we implicitly
took for granted but which deserve a more detailed treatment.
The first one concerns the stability of the expanding and recollapsing
shell against single particle decay: if the shell were not stable at the
moment of time symmetry, then it would become thick and its trajectory
would not be approximated by a sharp line (as depicted in figures
6 or 7).
It is possible to show, following the treatment of
[8] (please see B for details),
that configurations stable against single particle decay of
charged and/or uncharged particles actually exist.
The second issue is about possible changes of signs in
, which would require
a different analysis with respect to the one performed above. We also devote
an appendix (C) to show that
bounded trajectories are not affected by changes of sign in
, so that the analysis
performed above in a particular case is indeed valid in general.
With these remarks in mind, the complete spacetime manifold can now be confidently
obtained by joining the interior with the exterior along the shell trajectory,
i.e. joining the two shaded regions in figure 6 and
figure 7 to get the final result shown in figure 8.
Figure 8: Penrose diagram of the
de Sitter interior and the Reißner-Nordström exterior
geometries joined along the bubble trajectory. It is obtained by joining
the shaded regions of the two previous figures. The classical dynamics
of this compound spacetime is described by Israel's junction conditions
and is discussed in detail in the text.
An observer inside the shell detects a non-vanishing cosmological constant. He
lives as an observer inside a cosmological horizon. But as soon as he crosses
the shell trajectory, he experiences a completely different situations: the cosmological
constant suddenly vanishes and he can now detect a non-vanishing electric and
gravitational field, as if outside a body with mass and charge (with , because of our simplifying assumptions). We are now
interested in studying the properties of this gravitational configuration when
the system can be considered to be in a semi-classical quantum regime. For this
we need an evaluation of the classical action along the classical trajectory of
the shell.