...http://www-dft.ts.infn.it/ ansoldi1
E-mail address: ansoldi@trieste.infn.it
... formalism2
But see also [8] and references therein for a complementary approach which also tackles the issue of stability.
... shell3
To avoid any possible confusion, in what follows we are going to use square brackets only with this meaning, according to the following definition.
... dynamics4
We denote with an overbar quantities, let us say $g$, which are function of the rescaled radial coordinate $x$, although in many cases we have $\bar{g} (x) = g (R)$. For the sake of precision, note that $f _{\mathrm{in}} (R) = \bar{f} _{\mathrm{in}} (x)$, $f _{\mathrm{out}} (R) = \bar{f} _{\mathrm{out}} (x)$, $\sigma _{\mathrm{in}} (R) = \bar{\sigma} _{\mathrm{in}} (x)$, $\sigma _{\mathrm{out}} (R) = \bar{\sigma} _{\mathrm{out}} (x)$, and $V (R) = \bar{V} (x)$.
... trajectory5
Nevertheless it equals $x _{\mathrm{max}}$ for $\Theta = 1 / 2$. This is an interesting limiting situation in the case of tunnelling across the potential barrier, which will be discussed elsewhere.
... of6
We work in units where $l _{P} ^{2} = \hbar = c = G \equiv 1$.
... barrier7
This will be the topic of a forthcoming paper.
... properties8
We define ${\mathcal{F}}$, ${\mathcal{R}}$ and ${\mathcal{D}}$ according to the first two $\equiv$'s of the equation below.