We have presented a model in which it is analyzed
a general relativistic system composed of two spacetime domains, a
de Sitter interior with cosmological horizon
and an extremal Reißner-Nordström exterior with
joined across a thin shell of mass-energy
. A semiclassical
quantization of classically bounded trajectories can be performed using
a scheme a la Bohr-Sommerfeld. In this way it is found that
the quantum states can be characterized by a quantum number
, which
is responsible for restricting the allowed values of
. In
particular the quantum dynamics of the system constrains the values
as functions
, which we have approximated after
a numerical analysis of the problem.
It is interesting to note that this is a sensible result in a semiclassical
approximation to a quantum gravitational situations. Indeed a full quantum theory
of gravity would treat the three-metric as a dynamical infinite-dimensional
variable to be determined, say, by the Wheeler-deWitt equation in superspace.
From our point of view, under the assumption we made, we are only in a minisuperspace
approximation, since the functional form of the metric functions
is fixed from the very beginning, leaving and
as the only free parameters:
quantum gravity will thus impose condition on these quantities, i.e. determine
the only residual degrees of freedom in the three geometry.
We can also see from the enlarged plot of figure 11, that the
quantization condition selects a minimum value
for the allowed charge of the semiclassical quantized shell. At the same time,
the cosmological constant of the interior region, cannot exceed a
maximum value, which is also a sensible consequence of quantization.
For a given fixed value of the ratio
, which means that
we are ``moving'' across the graphs of figures 10 and
11 along a line through the origin, we have discrete allowed
values for
: these point are located on a parabola,
since from (25) we exactly have
We also note that by the final result,
systems characterized by different scales in the parameters can be described:
among these, as expected, we find small scale systems
(with a charge which is a small multiple of the elementary electron charge).
Moreover an external asymptotic observer measures
a total mass energy for the shell given by