At its most fundamental level, research in theoretical high
energy physics means research about the nature of mass and
energy, and ultimately about the structure of space and time.
It may even be argued that the whole history of physics, to a
large extent, represents the history of the ever changing
notion of space and time in response to our ability to probe
infinitesimally small distance scales as well as larger and
larger cosmological distances.
History of physics shows that conflicting theories eventually
merge into a broader and deeper synthesis.
Will -Theory lead to a unique
supersynthesis of quantum theory, gravity theory and supersymmetry?
The ``flow chart'' in Figure 1 summarizes the dialectic
process which has led, through nearly twenty five hundred
years of philosophical speculation and scientific inquiry,
to the current theoretical efforts in search of a
supersynthesis of the two conflicting paradigms of -th
century physics, namely, the Theory of General Relativity and
Quantum Theory. In that Hegelian perspective of the history
of physics, such a supersynthesis is regarded by many as the
``holy grail'' of contemporary high energy physics. However,
the story of the many efforts towards the formulation of that
synthesis, from supergravity to superbranes, constitutes, in
itself, a fascinating page in the history of theoretical
physics at the threshold of the new millennium. The early
`s excitement about string theory (``The
First String Revolution'') followed from the prediction that
only the gauge groups and
provide a quantum mechanically consistent, i.e.,
anomaly free, unified theory which includes gravity [1],
and yet is capable, at least in principle, of
reproducing the standard electro-weak theory below the GUT
scale. However, several fundamental questions were left
unanswered. Perhaps, the most prominent one regards the
choice of the compactification scheme required to bridge the gap between
the multi-dimensional, near-Planckian string-world, and
the low energy, four dimensional universe we live in [2].
Some related
problems, such as the vanishing of the cosmological constant (is it
really vanishing, after all?) and the breaking of supersymmetry
were also left without a satisfactory answer. The common feature of all
these unsolved problems is their intrinsically non-perturbative
character. More or less ten years after the
First String Revolution, the second one, which is still in
progress, has offered a second important clue into the nature
of the superworld. The diagram in Figure 1 encapsulates the
essential pieces of a vast mosaic out of which the final
theory of the superworld will eventually emerge. Among those
pieces, the six surviving viable supermodels known at
present, initially thought to be candidates for the role of a
fundamental Theory of Everything, are now regarded as
different asymptotic realizations, linked by a web of
dualities, of a unique and fundamentally new paradigm of
physics which goes under the name of -Theory [3].
The essential components of this
underlying matrix theory appear to be string-like objects as
well as other types of extendons, e.g.,
-branes, -branes, ..., (any letter)-branes. Moreover, a
new computational approach is taking shape which is based on
the idea of trading off the strongly coupled regime of a
supermodel with the weakly coupled regime of a different
model through a systematic use of dualities.
Having said that, the fact remains that -theory, at
present, is little more than a name for a mysterious
supertheory yet to be fully formulated. In particular, we
have no clue as to what radical modification it will bring to
the notion of spacetime in the short distance regime. In the
meantime, it seems reasonable to attempt to isolate the
essential elements of such non-perturbative approach to the
dynamics of extended objects. One such approach that we have
developed over the last few years [4], [5], [6],
is a refinement of an early formulation
of quantum string theory by
T. Eguchi [7], elaborated by following a formal analogy with a
Jacobi-type formulation of the
canonical quantization of gravity.
Thus, our immediate objective, in the following Section, is to illustrate the
precise meaning of that analogy. In Sections 3.1
and 3.2 we discuss our quantum mechanical elaboration
of Eguchi's approach in terms of "areal'' string variables, string propagators
and string wave functionals. This discussion, which can be easily extended to
-branes of higher dimensionality, enables us to exemplify a possible
relationship between -theory and the quantum mechanics of string loops in section 4.
Section 5 is divided into two subsections where we
discuss the functional Schroedinger equation of "loop quantum mechanics" and
its solutions in order to derive the Uncertainty Principle for strings as well
as its principal consequence, namely, the fractalization of quantum spacetime
(Subsection 5.1). We then conclude our discussion
of the structure of spacetime in terms of an effective lagrangian based on a covariant,
functional extension of the Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity (Subsection