There is an intriguing similarity between the problem of quantizing gravity, as described by General Relativity, and that of quantizing a relativistic string, or any higher dimensional relativistic extended object. In either case, one can follow one of two main routes:
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Against this background, one may elect to forgo the full covariance
of the quantum theory of gravity in favor of the more restricted
symmetry under transformations preserving the
``canonical spacetime slicing'' into a one-parameter family
of space-like three-surfaces. This splitting of space and
time amounts to selecting the spatial components of the
metric, modulo three-space reparametrizations,
as the gravitational degrees of freedom to be quantized. This
approach focuses on the quantum mechanical description of the
space itself, rather than the corpuscular content of the
gravitational field. Then, the quantum state of the spatial
-geometry is controlled by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation
The relation between the two quantization
schemes is akin to the relationship in particle dynamics between
first quantization, formulated in terms of single particle
wave functions along with the corresponding Schrödinger
equation, and the second quantization expressed in
terms of creation/annihilation operators along with the corresponding
field equations. Thus, covariant quantum gravity is, conceptually, a
second quantization framework for calculating amplitudes, cross sections,
mean life,etc., for any physical process involving graviton exchange.
Canonical quantum gravity, on the other hand, is a Schrödinger-type
first quantization framework, which assigns a probability amplitude
for any allowed geometric configuration of three dimensional
physical space. It must be emphasized that there is no immediate
relationship between the graviton field and the wave function
of the universe. Indeed, even if one elevates
to the role of field operator, it would
create or destroy entire three surfaces
instead of single gravitons. In a more pictorial language, the
wave functional
becomes a quantum operator
creating/destroying full universes! Thus, in order to avoid
confusion with quantum gravity as the ``theory of gravitons'',
the quantum field theory of universes is referred to as the
third quantization scheme, and has been investigated
some years ago mostly in connection with the cosmological
constant problem.
Of course, as far as gravity is concerned, any quantization scheme is affected
by severe problems: perturbative covariant quantization of General
Relativity is not renormalizable, while the
intrinsically non-perturbative Wheeler-DeWitt equations can
be solved only under extreme simplification such as the mini-superspace
approximation. These shortcomings provided the
impetus toward the formulation of superstring theory as the
only consistent quantization scheme which accommodates the
graviton in its (second quantized) particle spectrum. Thus,
according to the prevalent way of thinking, there is no
compelling reason, nor clear cut procedure to formulate a
first quantized quantum mechanics of relativistic extended objects.
In the case of strings, this attitude is deeply rooted in the conventional
interpretation of the world-sheet coordinates
as a ``multiplet of scalar fields''
defined over a
-dimensional manifold
covered by the
coordinate mesh. According to
this point of view, quantizing a relativistic string is formally equivalent to
quantizing a two-dimensional field theory, bypassing a preliminary
quantum mechanical formulation. However, there are at least two
objections against this kind of reasoning. The first follows from
the analogy between the canonical formulation of General
Relativity and
-brane dynamics, and the second objection
follows from the
``Schrödinger representation'' of quantum field theory. More
All of the above reasoning leads us to the central question
that we wish to analyze, namely: is there any way to
formulate a reparametrization invariant string quantum mechanics?
As a matter of fact, a possible answer was suggested by
T. Eguchi as early as
[7], and our own elaboration of that quantization
scheme [5] is the topic of Section 3.