5.1 Correspondence Principle, Uncertainty Principle
and the Fractalization of Quantum Spacetime
If history of physics is any guide, conflicting scientific
paradigms, as outlined in Figure 1, generally lead to broader
and more predictive theories. Thus, one would expect that a
synthesis of general relativity and quantum theory will
provide, among other things, a deeper insight into the nature
and structure of space and time. Thus, reflecting on those
two major revolutions in physics of this century, Edward
Witten writes [16], ``Contemporary developments in
theoretical physics suggest that another revolution may be in
progress, through which a new source of ``fuzziness'' may
enter physics, and spacetime itself may be reinterpreted as
an approximate, derived concept.''.
If spacetime is a derived concept, then is seems natural to
ask, ``what is the main property of the fuzzy stuff,
let us call it quantum spacetime, that replaces the
smoothness of the classical spacetime manifold, and what is
the scale of distance at which the transition takes place?''.
Remarkably, the celebrated Planck length represents a very
near miss as far as the scale of distance is concerned. The
new source of fuzziness comes from string theory,
specifically from the introduction of the new fundamental
constant which determines the tension of the string. Thus, at
scales comparable to
, spacetime becomes
fuzzy, even in the absence of conventional quantum effects
(). While the
exact nature of this fuzziness is unclear, it manifests itself in a new
form of Heisenberg's principle, which now depends on both
and . Thus, in Witten's words, while ``a proper
theoretical framework for the [new] uncertainty principle has not yet
emerged, ...the natural framework of the [string] theory
may eventually prove to be inherently quantum mechanical.''.
That new quantum mechanical framework may well constitute the
core of the yet undiscovered -Theory, and the non
perturbative functional quantum mechanics of string loops
that we have developed in recent years may well represent a
first step on the long road toward a matrix formulation of
it. If this is the case, a challenging testing ground is
provided by the central issue of the structure of
quantum spacetime. This question was analyzed in Ref. [6]
and we limit ourselves, in the remainder of
this subsection, to a brief elaboration of the arguments
presented there.
The main point to keep in mind, is the already mentioned
analogy between ``loop quantum mechanics'' and the ordinary
quantum mechanics of point particles. That analogy is
especially evident in terms of the new areal variables,
namely, the spacelike area enclosed by the string loop, given
by Eq. (18), and the timelike, proper area of the string
manifold, given by Eq. (4). With that choice of dynamical
variables, the reparametrized formulation of the Schild
action principle
leads to the classical energy per unit length conservation. Then, the loop wave
equation can
be immediately written down by translating this conservation
law in the quantum language through the Correspondence
Thus, we obtain the Schrödinger equation anticipated in the
where we have introduced the string wave functional as the amplitude to find the loop
with area elements
as the only boundary
of a two-surface of internal area . When no -dependent
potential is present in loop space, the wave functional factors out as
Alternatively, one can exchange the area derivatives with the
more familiar functional variations of the string embedding
through the tangential projection
is the tangent vector to the
string loop. As a consistency check on our functional
equation, note that, if one further identifies the energy per
unit length with the string tension by setting
, then, Eq.(38)
which is the string field equation proposed several years
ago by Marshall and Ramond [17]. Note also that the
Schrödinger equation is a ``free'' wave
equation describing the random drifting of the string
representative ``point'' in loop space. Perhaps, it is worth emphasizing
that this ``free motion'' in loop space is quite different from the free
motion of the string in physical space,
not only because the physical string
is subject to its own tension, i.e.
elastic forces are acting on it, but also because drifting
from point to point in loop space corresponds physically to
quantum mechanically
jumping from string shape to string shape. Any such ``shape
shifting'' process, random as it is, is subject to an extended
form of the Uncertainty Principle which forbids the exact,
simultaneous knowledge of the string shape and its area conjugate
momentum. The main consequence of the Shape Uncertainty Principle is the
``fractalization'' of the string orbit in spacetime. The degree of
fuzziness of the string world-sheet is measured by its Hausdorff
dimension, whose limiting value we found to be
. In order to reproduce this result, we
need the
gaussian form of a string wave-packet, which was constructed in
Ref. [6] as an explicit solution of the functional Schrödinger
equation for loops. For our purposes Eq. (38) is quite
appropriate: rather than Fourier expanding the string coordinates
and decomposing the functional wave equation
into an infinite set of
ordinary differential equations, we insist in maintaining the
``wholeness'' of the string and consider exact
solutions in loop space, or adopt a minisuperspace
approximation quantizing only one, or few oscillation modes,
freezing all the other (infinite) ones. In the first case, it
is possible to get exact ``free'' solutions, such as the
plane wave
which is a simultaneous
eigenstate of both the area momentum and Hamiltonian
operators. This wave functional describes a completely
delocalized state: any loop shape is equally likely to occur
and therefore
the string has no definite shape. A physical state of
definite shape is obtained
by superposition of the fundamental plane wave solutions
(41). The quantum analogue of a classical string is
the Gaussian wave packet:
where the width of the packet at represents
the area uncertainty. From the solution (42)
one can derive some interesting results. First, we note that the center
of the wave packet drifts through loop space according to the
stationary phase principle
and spreads as increases
Thus, as the areal time increases, the string ``decays'',
in the sense that it loses
its sharply defined initial shape, but in a way which is
controlled by the
loop space uncertainty principle
involving the uncertainty in the loop area, and the rate of area
The central result that follows from the above equations, is
that the classical world-sheet of a string, a smooth
manifold of topological dimension two, turns
into a fractal object with Hausdorff dimension
three as a consequence of the quantum areal fluctuations of
the string loop [6]. With historical hindsight, this
result is not too surprising. Indeed, Abbott and Wise,
following an earlier insight by Feynman and Hibbs, have shown
in Ref. [18] that the quantum
trajectory of a point-like particle is a fractal of Hausdorff
dimension . Accordingly, one would expect that the limiting
Hausdorff dimension of the world-sheet of a string increases by
one unit since one is dealing
with a one parameter family of -dimensional
quantum trajectories. Next, we try to quantify the transition
from the classical, or smooth
phase, to the quantum, or fractal phase. Use of the Shape
Uncertainty Principle, and of the explicit form of the loop wave-packet,
enables us to identify the control parameter of the transition with
the DeBroglie area characteristic of the loop. As a matter of fact,
the Gaussian wave packet (42)
allows us to extend the Abbott and Wise calculation to the string
case. By introducing the analogue of the ``DeBroglie
wavelength ''as the inverse modulus of the loop
one finds:
at low resolution, i.e., when the area uncertainty
, the Hausdorff dimension matches
the topological value, i.e., ;
at high resolution, i.e., when the area uncertainty
, the Hausdorff dimension increases
by one unit, i.e., .
Hence, quantum string dynamics can be described in terms of a
fluctuating Riemannian -surface only when the observing apparatus
is characterized by a low resolution power. As smaller and
smaller areas are approached, the graininess of the world-sheet
becomes manifest. Then a sort of de-compactification
occurs, in the sense that the thickness of
the string history comes into play, and the ``world-surface'' is literally
fuzzy to the extent that its Hausdorff dimension can be anything
between its topological value of two and its limiting fractal value of three.