The Eguchi quantization program is essentially a sort of
quantum mechanics formulated in a space of string loops,
i.e., a space in which each point represents a possible
geometrical configuration of
a closed string. To establish a connection with the
Nambu-Goto, or Polyakov path-integral, it is advantageous to
start from the quantum kernel
where the histories connecting the initial string
to the final one are weighted by the exponential of
the reparametrized Schild action
The ``dictionary'' used in the above equation is as follows:
is the momentum canonically conjugated
to the world-sheet area element;
is the Schild Hamiltonian density, and
is the string tension.
Furthermore, the original world-sheet coordinates have been
promoted to the role of dynamical variables, i.e., they
now represent fields
defined over the string manifold,
and , the momentum conjugate to , has been introduced
into the Hamiltonian form of the action. The relevant
dynamical quantities in loop space are listed in
Table 3.2.
Loop Space functionals and boundary fields
(Schild) Loop Hamiltonian
(Schild) String Hamiltonian
loop invariant measure
loop proper length
area momentum density
loop momentum
The enlargement of the canonical
phase space endows the Schild action with the full
reparametrization invariance under the transformation
while preserving the polynomial structure in the dynamical
variables, which is a necessary condition to solve the path
integral. The regained reparametrization invariance forces
the new (extended) hamiltonian to be weakly vanishing, i.e.,
The quantum implementation
of this condition is carried out by means of the Lagrange multiplier
By integrating out and one obtains
The above expressions show the explicit relation between the
fixed area string propagator,
and the fixed ``energy'' string propagator without recourse to any ad hoc
averaging prescription in order to eliminate the parameter
dependence. Moreover, the saddle point value of the
string propagator (13) is evaluated to be
Since has dimension of inverse length square, in
natural units, we can set the
string tension equal to , and then (14) reproduces
exactly the Nambu-Goto path integral.
This result allows us to establish the following facts:
Eguchi's approach corresponds to quantizing a string by
keeping fixed the area of the string histories
in the path integral, and then taking the average over the
string tension
the Nambu-Goto approach, on the other hand, corresponds
to quantizing a string
by keeping fixed the string tension and then taking
the average over the world-sheet areas;
the two quantization schemes are equivalent in the
saddle point approximation.
Finally, since the Schild propagator
can be computed exactly
we obtain through Eqs. (12), (13)
a non-perturbative definition of the Nambu-Goto
propagator (14):