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4.2 Classical-to-fractal geometric transition

The role of area resolution, as pointed out in the previous sections, leads us to search for a critical area characterizing the transition from classical to fractal geometry of the string stack. To this end, we consider tha case in which the string possesses a non vanishing average momentum, in which case we may use a gaussian wave packet of the form (27). The corresponding wave functional, in the $\sigma$-representation, is

    $\displaystyle \Psi _{K} (C ; A)
\frac{[ (\Delta \sigma) ^{2} / 2 \pi] ^{3/4}}
{[ (\Delta \sigma) ^{2} + i A / 2 m ^{2}] ^{3/2}}
    $\displaystyle \quad \cdot
\sigma ^{\mu \nu} \sigma ...
... \nu} / 4 m ^{2}
{2 [ (\Delta \sigma) ^{2} + i A / 2 m ^{2}]}
\right]$ (44)

where we have used equation (34) to exchange $\Delta P$ with $\Delta \sigma$. The corresponding probability density ``evolves'' as follows
    $\displaystyle \vert \Psi _{K} (C ; A) \vert ^{2}
\frac{(2 \pi) ^{-3/2}}
(\Delta \sigma) ^{2}
A ^{2} / 4 (\Delta\sigma) ^{2} m ^{4}
] ^{3/2}
    $\displaystyle \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \cdot
...\sigma) ^{2}
A ^ {2} / 4 (\Delta \sigma) ^{2} m ^{4}
\quad .$ (45)

Therefore, the average area variation $\langle \Delta S \rangle$, when the loop wave packet drifts with a momentum $K _{\mu \nu} (C)$, is

 \begin{displaymath}\langle \Delta S \rangle
\int [ {\mathcal{D}...
\vert \Psi _{K} (C ; \Delta A) \vert ^{2}
\right] ^{1/2}
\end{displaymath} (46)

For our purpose, there is no need to compute the exact form of the mean value (46), but only its dependence on $\Delta \sigma$. This can be done in three steps:
introduce the adimensional integration variable

\begin{displaymath}Y ^{\mu \nu} (C) \equiv \frac{\sigma ^{\mu \nu} (C)}{\Delta \sigma}
\quad ;
\end{displaymath} (47)

shift the new integration variable as follows

\begin{displaymath}Y ^{\mu \nu} (C)
\bar{Y} ^{\mu \nu} (C)
...Delta A K ^{\mu \nu}}{2 m ^{2} (\Delta \sigma) ^{2}}
\quad ;
\end{displaymath} (48)

rescale the integration variable as

\begin{displaymath}\bar{Y}^{\mu \nu} (C)
Z ^{\mu \nu} (C)
...) ^{2}}{4 m ^{4} (\Delta \sigma) ^4}
\right] ^{1/2}
\quad .
\end{displaymath} (49)

Then, we obtain
$\displaystyle \langle \Delta S \rangle$ = $\displaystyle \frac{\Delta A}{\sqrt 2 \Lambda _{DB} 2 m ^{2} (2 \pi) ^{3/4}}
    $\displaystyle \quad \cdot
\int [{\mathcal{D}} Z]
\frac{\Lambda _{...
...} K ^{\mu \nu}
\right) ^{2}
e ^{- Z ^{\mu \nu} Z _{\mu \nu} / 2}
\right] ^{1/2}$ (50)

$\displaystyle \Lambda _{DB} ^{-1}$ $\textstyle \equiv$ $\displaystyle \sqrt{\frac{1}{2} K ^{\mu \nu} K _{\mu \nu}}$ (51)
$\displaystyle \beta$ $\textstyle \equiv$ $\displaystyle \frac{\Delta A}{2 m ^{2} (\Delta \sigma) ^{2}}
\quad .$ (52)

The parameter $\beta$ measures the ratio of the ``temporal'' to ``spatial'' uncertainty, while the area $\Lambda _{DB}$ sets the scale of the surface variation at which the string momentum is $K _{\mu \nu}$. Therefore, always with the particle analogy in mind, we shall call $\Lambda _{DB}$ the loop DeBroglie area. Let us assume, for the moment, that $\Delta A$ is independent of $\Delta \sigma$, so that either quantity can be treated as a free parameter in the theory. A notable exception to this hypothesis will be discussed shortly. Presently, we note that taking the limit $(\Delta \sigma) \rightarrow 0$, affects only the first term of the integral (50), and that its weight with respect to the second term is measured by the ratio $\Lambda _{DB} / (\Delta \sigma)$. If the area resolution is much larger than the loop DeBroglie area, then the first term is negligible: $\langle \Delta S \rangle$ is independent of $\Delta \sigma$ and $\langle S \rangle $ scales as

 \begin{displaymath}\Lambda _{DB} \ll (\Delta\sigma)
\quad : \quad
{\mathcal{S}} _{H}
(\Delta\sigma) ^{D _{H} - 2}
\quad .
\end{displaymath} (53)

In this case, independence of $(\Delta \sigma)$ is achieved by assigning D H = 2. As one might have anticipated, the detecting apparatus is unable to resolve the graininess of the string stack, which therefore appears as a smooth two dimensional surface.
The fractal, or quantum, behavior manifests itself below $\Lambda _{DB}$, when the first term in (50) provides the leading contribution

 \begin{displaymath}\Lambda_{DB} \gg (\Delta \sigma)
\quad : \quad
...+ \frac{4 m^4 (\Delta \sigma) ^{4}}{(\Delta A) ^{2}}}
\quad .
\end{displaymath} (54)

This expression is less transparent than the relation (53), as it involves also the $\Delta A$ resolution. However, one may now consider two special subcases in which the Hausdorff dimension can be assigned a definite value.
In the first case, we keep $\Delta A$ fixed, and scale $\Delta \sigma$ down to zero. Then, each $\langle \Delta S \rangle \propto (\Delta \sigma) ^{-1}$ diverges, because of larger and larger shape fluctuations, and

\begin{displaymath}{\mathcal{S}} _{H}
\frac{A}{\Delta \sigma}
(\Delta \sigma) ^{D _{H} - 2}
\end{displaymath} (55)

requires D H = 3.
The same result can be obtained also in the second subcase, in which both $\Delta \sigma$ and $\Delta A$ scale down to zero, but in such a way that their ratio remains constant,

\begin{displaymath}\frac{2 m ^{2} (\Delta\sigma) ^{2}}
{(\Delta A)} _{\Delta \s...
...ightarrow 0}
\quad .
\end{displaymath} (56)

The total interior area $A = N \Delta A$ is kept fixed. Therefore, as $\Delta A \sim (\Delta \sigma) ^{2} \rightarrow 0$, then $N \rightarrow \infty$ in order to keep A finite. Then,

 \begin{displaymath}\langle \Delta S \rangle
\frac{\Delta A}{\Delta \si...
... \sqrt{ 1 + \frac{1}{b ^{2}}}
\Delta \sigma
\quad ,
\end{displaymath} (57)


\begin{displaymath}{\mathcal{S}} _{H}
A (\Delta \sigma) ^{D _{H} - 2}
\frac{1}{\Delta \sigma}
\sqrt{1 + \frac{1}{b ^{2}}}
\quad ,
\end{displaymath} (58)

which leads to D H = 3 again. In the language of fractal geometry, this interesting subcase corresponds to self-similarity. Thus, the condition (57) defines a special class of self-similar loops characterized by an average area variation which is proportional to $\Delta \sigma$ at any scale.

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Stefano Ansoldi
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Trieste