Next: 4. Fractal Strings
Up: Hausdorff Dimension of a
Previous: 2.3 Gaussian Loop-wavepacket
3. The Shape Uncertainty Principle
In this section we discuss the new form that the uncertainty principle
takes in the functional theory of string loops.
Let us consider a Gaussian momentum wave function
![\begin{displaymath}\Phi (P)
\frac{1}{\left[ \pi (\Delta P) ^{2} \right] ^{3/...
\left(P _{\mu \nu} (s) - K _{\mu \nu} \right) ^{2}
\end{displaymath}](img87.gif) |
(27) |
(28) |
represents the string momentum mean value around which the
Gaussian wavepacket is centered, and
is a measure of the momentum dispersion in the wavepacket.
is a reparametrization invariant
functional of the loop C representing the string
``drift'' through loop space.
In order to arrive at the shape uncertainty principle, we first
evaluate the quantum average of the loop squared momentum
(29) |
Therefore, the string momentum mean square deviation, or
uncertainty squared, is
The wave functional in configuration space is obtained by
Fourier transforming Eq. (27):
This is again a Gaussian wavepacket, whose ``center of mass''
moves in loop space with a momentum
Accordingly, the loop probability density still has a Gaussian form
centered around the vanishing loop with a dispersion given by
By means of the density (32), we obtain
Then, comparing Eq. (34) with Eq. (30), we find
that the uncertainties are related by
(35) |
Equation (35) represents the new form that the Heisenberg
principle takes when string quantum mechanics is formulated in terms
of diffusion in loop space, or quantum shape shifting. Just as a
pointlike particle cannot have a definite position in space
and a definite linear momentum at the same time, a physical
string cannot have a definite shape and a
definite rate of shape changing at a given areal time.
In other words, a string loop cannot be totally at rest neither in
physical nor in loop space: it is subject to a zero-point motion
characterized by
In such a state a physical string undergoes a zero-point
shape shifting, and the loop momentum attains its minimum
value compatible with an area resolution
To keep ourselves as close as possible to Heisenberg's seminal
idea, we interpret the lack of a definite shape
as follows: as we increase the resolution of the ``microscope''
used to probe the structure of the string, more and more quantum petals
will appear along the loop. The picture emerging out of this is
that of a classical line turning into a fractal object as
we move from the classical domain of physics to the quantum
realm of quantum fluctuations. If so, two questions immediately
- 1.
- a classical bosonic string is a closed line of
topological dimension one. Its spacetime image consists of a
smooth, timelike, two-dimensional world-sheet. Then, if a quantum
string is a fractal object, which Hausdorff dimension
should be assigned to it?
- 2.
- Is there any critical scale characterizing the
classical-to-fractal geometrical transition?
These two questions will be addressed in the next section.
Next: 4. Fractal Strings
Up: Hausdorff Dimension of a
Previous: 2.3 Gaussian Loop-wavepacket
Stefano Ansoldi
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Trieste