Next: 3. Equation of Motion Up: Classical and Quantum Shell Previous:
1. Introduction
The dynamics of a generic system containing matter fields interacting
with gravity is encoded in the Einstein-Hilbert action
S |
= |
Sg + Sm + SB |
= |
(3) |
The notation is as follows: GN stands for Newton's constant, g
is the determinant of the four dimensional spacetime metric,
is the corresponding Ricci scalar,
is the matter field Lagrangian density,
is the
extrinsic curvature of the three dimensional boundary, (B), of the
four-dimensional region V of integration, and h is the determinant of the
three-dimensional metric on the boundary. The presence
of the surface term allows the field equations to be
obtained from a variational principle in such a way that only
the metric on the boundary is held fixed.
The actual physical system under consideration consists of
two static, spherically symmetric, spacetimes
glued together along a time-like manifold
which represents the world history of the shell.
Our choice for
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
along the shell, where
(7) |
As noted in Section I,
are the two
cosmological constants, and
is the shell energy density.
Furthermore, one could easily extend the content of the
action integral by adding the electromagnetic term
This addition would lead to the
Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter solution in
However, we shall not consider this case here, as
its discussion would only obscure the simplicity of the approach
that we wish to illustrate.
Solving Einstein's equations in
we obtain the
Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution
(8) |
(9) |
and T, r,
are the usual Schwarzschild coordinates.
Similarly, in
(10) |
(11) |
The evolution of the shell, against this fixed background, is
described by the radius
and by the lapse
which characterize the shell intrinsic geometry according to equation
(2). This dynamics can be obtained by reducing the
action (3) to a functional depending
only on
Our procedure of reduction follows
closely the discussion of ref.[7] (see also ref.[6]);
one element of novelty consists in the inclusion of the lapse function
which is essential to derive the Hamiltonian
constraint that one expects in a reparametrization invariant theory.
To begin with, let us specify the volume V of integration. As shown in
fig.1, the volume is bounded by two space-like surfaces
T = T i and
T = T f, and by two time-like
r = R 1 and
and by
t = t i,
t = t f,
T1, t1, T2, t2, R1, R2
are constants. Furthermore, we assume, for the moment, that V lies in
a region of spacetime where the Killing vectors of the
metric (8-10),
respectively, are both time-like. Later on, we shall
give a supplementary rule for the case in which the above condition
is not satisfied.
Graphical representation of the integration volume with two
dimensions suppressed: Ti (Tf) and ti (tf) label the initial
(final) surfaces which are the space-like
boundaries of the integration volume. R1 and R2
represent the time-like boundaries, and
parametrizes the shell
radius which separates the interior domain
from the exterior one.
Evaluating the induced metric on both side of the
shell, and comparing with eq.(2), we find the
implicit dependence of the Schwarzschild time variables on the parameter
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
(15) |
Note that the
-functions defined above contain a sign
ambiguity[7], which is resolved by requiring that
positive (negative) if the outer normal to
points toward increasing (decreasing) values of r.
Our immediate objective, for the remainder of this section, is to
obtain the reduced form of the action integral, and we shall do so
by discussing each individual term separately. The explicit form of
the contribution of the shell to Sm, is given by
(16) |
supplemented by an equation of state relating the energy density
to the tangential pressure p. Such a relation is usually
obtained from the conservation equation for the shell stress-energy tensor,
(17) |
and we shall discuss some simple special cases of this equation later on in
the text.
Next, in order to calculate
the contribution
of the shell to Sg in the action integral, we first introduce Gaussian
normal coordinates near the shell
(18) |
As usual, the triplet (
specifies a point on the shell, while
represents the geodesic
distance off the shell. One has
One can now start the evaluation of
(21) |
is an arbitrary small positive number, which at the end of
the calculation is set to zero. The Ricci scalar
can be
expressed as
(22) |
where Kij stands for the extrinsic curvature of the
hyper-surface of constant
is the Ricci scalar constructed from the three-dimensional
metric g ij on the hyper-surface of constant
The relation between K ij and the normal derivative
of the three-metric is simply
(23) |
Evaluating these quantities, one eventually obtains
All of the above leads to the following expression of
(28) |
In eq.(28) the notation
means, as usual,
The contributions of
to Sg, which we denote by S1g and S2g
respectively, are easily evaluated since
(29) |
This reduces the form of
to a volume integral of the
same type as
Finally, the surface term in the action integral, which eliminates
the second derivative term
present in eq.(28),
can be written as
(30) |
is the unit normal to the boundary three-surface,
and h is the determinant of the metric of the
three-surface. Again, following the same steps as in
ref.[7], one obtains
The end result of the above calculations is the following expression
of the action integral
(32) |
(33) |
The additional ``boundary terms'' in eq.(32)
collectively refer to contributions which are simply proportional to
Their explicit form
is irrelevant for our purposes. Indeed, since the intrinsic dynamics of the
shell depends only on the interior and exterior geometry, both of
which are fixed, and not on the spacetime volume
V chosen, we define the shell effective
action by subtracting the boundary terms in
eq.(32) [6]. Therefore, the promised form
of the reduced, or effective, action is given by
(34) |
As a consistency check, in the next section we shall verify that
varying this reduced action yields the Israel equation of motion
(1) for the shell.
Next: 3. Equation of Motion
Up: Classical and Quantum Shell
Previous: 1. Introduction
Stefano Ansoldi
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Trieste