- ...S.Ansoldi1
- E-mail address: ansoldi@trieste.infn.it
- ...A.Aurilia2
- E-mail address: aaurilia@csupomona.edu
- ...E.Spallucci3
- E-mail address: spallucci@trieste.infn.it
- ...
- At least the first acoustic peak in the power spectrum of
temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background, as determined
by the Maxima and Boomerang observations, is best fit with
as required by inflation.
- ... scenario5
- Those
revolutionary cosmological data were not available in 1991 when the authors
first suggested the possibility that the cosmological constant and dark
matter might be related [6]. This paper is based upon an essay
(unpublished)that was awarded Honorable Mention in the 1991 Gravity
Research Foundation competition.
- ... time6
- In the
following, by ``boundary'' of an object (point-like or spatially extended)
we mean an extremal configuration (initial or final) of the world-history
of the object at a finite time, or, in other words, an extremal spacelike
section of the object's trajectory in spacetime. The case of an object with
a boundary that is spatially open can be treated along similar
lines [8] [9].
- ... violated7
- A physical example of such a situation is the
emission of an alpha-particle by a radioactive nucleus. Due
to quantum tunnelling, the
particle suddenly disappears from within the nucleus (its worldline
comes to an end point) and reappears
at a different point outside the parent nucleus. No physical
trajectory connects the two branches of the particle world line. Thus, from
the point of view of an external observer, the
-particle world
line is semi-infinite: it originates from a
point outside the nucleus at a given instant of time and then evolves
independently of the parent nucleus.
- ... bosonization8
- Introducing fermionic degrees of freedom enables one to establish a
correspondence between
bosonic and fermionic variables, that is,
- ... techniques9
- It seems to us that this result
may well be
a consequence of a duality between membranes as solitonic
solutions of an underlying field theory and membranes as fundamental
objects (for a comprehensive review, see Ref. [19]).
- ... time10
under Wick rotation. Thus,
(50) |
- ... bubble11
- The evolution of the bubble,
which is controlled by the two cosmological constants and by the surface
tension, can be simulated by the one-dimensional motion of a fictitious
particle in a potential [11]; furthermore, a well defined algorithm
exists that is capable of determining all possible types of solutions,
including inflationary ones, together with the region in parameter space where
families of solutions can exist [13]