To the extent that the presence or absence of a boundary constitutes a
topological property of a manifold, we may refer to the idea underlying the
whole discussion in this paper as topological symmetry breaking. The
effect of this new mechanism on the inflationary-axion scenario is
apparent in our formulation of Bubble Dynamics, and was illustrated in four
as well as in two spacetime dimensions. Indeed, the action functional of
Bubble Dynamics
can be defined in any number of dimensions as a generalization of the
Einstein-Maxwell action for the dynamics of point charges on a Riemannian
manifold. As a matter of fact, gravity plays no special role in it: even
though we have formulated the model for a bubble in Minkowski
spacetime, it can be extended to a generic
-brane embedded in a
target space with
dimensions. In four dimensions and under the
assumption of spherical symmetry, the field equations of bubble dynamics are
integrable [15]: the net physical result of the
to the membrane degree of freedom is the nucleation of a bubble whose boundary
separates two vacuum phases characterized by two effective and distinct
cosmological constants, one inside and one outside the bubble 11.
The three-index representation of the cosmological field is the key to the
whole formulation of topological symmetry breaking and self-consistent
generation of mass. That field, we have argued, represents
the ultimate source of energy in the bubble universe. But how does matter
manage to `` bootstrap '' itself into existence out of that source of latent
energy? Here is where the difference between the conventional
``cosmological constant'' and the cosmological field comes into play: the
original cosmological constant introduced by Einstein plays a somewhat
passive role, in that it is ``frozen'' within the Hilbert action of general
relativity; the cosmological field, on the contrary, even though it
represents a non dynamical gauge field, will interact with gravity
and combine with a bubble single degree of freedom thereby acquiring mass
as a consequence of topological symmetry breaking. In fact, there are some
similarities with the Higgs mechanism which may help to clarify the
boundary mechanism of mass production. For instance, the extended
gauge symmetry (76), (77) represents the end result
of a process that begins with the violation of gauge invariance
due to the presence of a boundary. Then,
the Kalb-Ramond field , prescribed by the Stueckelberg
procedure, represents massless, spinless particles that play the role of
Goldstone bosons. However, while in the usual Higgs
mechanism the spin content of the gauge field is the same before and after
the appearance of mass, a new effect occurs when the gauge field is
: when massless,
carries no degrees of freedom, while equation (27)
describes massive spin-0 particles in a
representation which is dual to the familiar Proca representation of
massive, spin-1 particles [24]. In the light of this formal analogy with
the Higgs mechanism, axions are interpreted as massless spin-0 Goldstone
bosons represented by a Kalb-Ramond field while the physical spectrum
consists of massive spin-0 particles represented by the
-field. In this sense, topological symmetry breaking by the
boundary has the same effect as the breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry
in the local standard model of particle physics.
We do not have at present a fully fledged quantum theory of
bubble-dynamics even though we have taken several steps on the way to that
formulation [7], [25]. However, if bubble dynamics in two
dimensions is any guide, one can anticipate the main features of the
quantum theory: as the volume of the bubble universe
increases exponentially during the inflationary phase, so does the total
(volume) energy of the interior ``De Sitter vacuum''. At least classically.
Quantum mechanically there is a competitive effect which is best understood
in terms of an analogous effect in (1+1)-dimensions. As we have argued in
the previous section, the``volume'' within a one-dimensional bubble is the
linear distance between the two end-point charges. As
the distance increases, so does the potential energy between them.
Quantum mechanically, however, it is energetically more favorable to
polarize the vacuum through the process of pair creation [26], which we
interpret as the nucleation of secondary bubbles out of the vacuum enclosed
by the original bubble. The net physical result of this mechanism is the
production of massive spin-0 particles [14]. The same mechanism can be
lifted to -dimensions and reinterpreted in the cosmological context:
field shares the same properties of the gauge potential
in two dimensions and polarizes the vacuum via the formation of
secondary bubbles.
Consider now a spherical bubble and focus on the radial evolution alone.
The intersection of any diameter with the bubble surface evolves precisely
as a particle-anti particle pair in
-dimensions. However, since there
is no preferred direction, the mechanism operates on concentric shells
inside the original bubble. Remarkably, the final result is again the
production of massive pseudoscalar particles in the bubble universe.
However, while in two dimensions Goldstone bosons do not exist, in
-dimensions they do exist and have a direct bearing on the axion
mass problem. Born out of the darkness of the cosmic vacuum, axions were
invisible to begin with and remain invisible to the extent that they are
`` eaten up '' by the cosmological field. According to this interpretation,
one of the possible forms of dark matter in the universe, besides MACHO's,
emerges as the
necessary end product of a process, driven by the cosmic vacuum
energy, according to which
gauge invariance and vacuum decay conspire to extract massive particles
out of the cosmological field of dark energy.