``Topological symmetry breaking'' and the concomitant mechanism of mass
generation have never been discussed in the physics of point-particles for the simple reason that the world history of a
material particle is usually assumed to have no boundary, that is, it is
usually assumed to be infinitely extended in time6. Typically, in a world of classical point
particles described by a local field theory, reparametrization
invariance of the world-trajectory is tacitly assumed while gauge
invariance is explicitly broken only by introducing a mass term in an
otherwise invariant action. The asymmetry of the vacuum with respect to
some global transformation (spontaneous symmetry breaking) provides a
second possibility which, in turn, leads to the celebrated
Nambu-Goldstone-Higgs mechanism of mass generation. The existence of
a boundary in the world history of an object provides an additional
possibility of symmetry breaking.
For the sake of illustration, consider the familiar case of a charged
particle: the gauge invariance of the free Maxwell action may be broken
either by introducing a mass term into the action,
or, more generally, by coupling the gauge potential to a non-conserved current , i.e.,
Thus, in either case: i) , or, ii),
gauge invariance is violated. The massless, non-conserved current case corresponds to a
classical point-like particle whose world-line has a free
end-point. By definition, this represents a boundary condition that is
not explicitly encoded into the action. Therefore, to the extent that there
are no apparent symmetry violating terms in the action, we refer to this
case as ``topological symmetry breaking.'' For instance,
represents a semi-infinite spacetime trajectory that
originates at and then extends forever.
An extremal free end-point physically represents a ``singular''
event in which a particle is either created or destroyed, so that the
covariant conservation of the
associated current is violated7,
Furthermore, under a gauge transformation of the action integral,
the interaction term transforms as follows
assuming, as usual, that the gauge function vanishes at infinity.
In Section(4) we shall extend the above considerations to the case
of a relativistic bubble in -dimensions. That is the natural setting
for discussing the new inflationary scenario. There we shall argue that the
corresponding classical action represents an effective action for the
quantum bubble nucleation process that takes place within the background
vacuum energy represented by the cosmological constant. The novelty here is
that the cosmological constant is disguised as a ``Maxwell field
strength''. Due to the presence of a boundary of the bubble trajectory in
spacetime, the process of nucleating an inflationary bubble [10],
[11], [12], [13]
must be accompanied by the excitation of massive spinless particles. A
possible quantum formulation of
the same boundary mechanism using the path integral approach to the
dynamics of a generic p-brane in an arbitrary number of spacetime
dimensions is given in Ref. [7].