Next: B. Determination of the
Up: RealImaginaryMass
Previous: Acknowledgments
A. Eigenvectors and
eigenvalues of the propagator
We will now find the solutions to the eigenvector equation
(34) |
is defined in
equation (21).
Firstly, there is a ``trivial'' gauge solution
, since
is orthogonal to both terms enclosed in round
brackets in the definition (21) of
this can be seen from the relations
using the properties
A second, non trivial polarization is
in the electric case (
in the magnetic case), since
thanks to equations (19)
and (20);
associated to the eigenvalue
(35) |
Then, remaining independent physically relevant polarizations must be
orthogonal to both
, hence they can
be parametrized as
(36) |
given by (36) is not affected by the
``gauge transformation''
it then follows that only two components of
are physically
relevant. One of these, which we will call
, is obtained when
: it is thus
orthogonal to
corresponds to the eigenvalue
. This is the same eigenvalue of
the last eigenvector,
, which is given by
This can be verified by inserting it
into (18) and observing that
The above equality holds because
is a projector onto the space orthogonal to
-dimensional subspace, where the direction orthogonal to
is nothing but
Next: B. Determination of the
Up: RealImaginaryMass
Previous: Acknowledgments
Stefano Ansoldi