E-mail address: ansoldi@trieste.infn.it
... I. Guendelman2
E-mail address: guendel@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
E-mail address: spallucci@trieste.infn.it
... beam.4
This set-up is now a fully working project, PVLAS, at the I.N.F.N. Legnaro laboratories, taking data since May 1999: about this we refer the interested reader to [6] and references therein, as well as to [7] for a more direct connection with axion experiments.
... diagonalized5
We will summarize here the final result about eigenvectors and the corresponding eigenvalues with all the relevant definitions, referring the reader to the mentioned appendix for the detailed computation.
... get6
We now use the $\sim$ symbol to imply the same behavior in the ultraviolet limit.