Non perturbative effects in quantum field theory are difficult
to study because of the lack of appropriate mathematical tools.
Sometimes a special invariance of the system, like electric/magnetic
duality or super-symmetry, allows to open a window over the strong
coupling regime of the theory, where a new kind of solitonic excitations
can appear. These new states describe extended field configurations,
which are ``dual'' to the point-like, elementary, objects of the perturbative
regime. Remarkable examples of extended structures of this sort ranges from the
magnetic monopoles [1] up to the loop states of quantum gravity
The dynamics of one dimensional extended field configurations is formulated in
terms of an ``effective theory'' of relativistic strings, i.e. one
trades a quantum field theory for a different framework, by taking for granted
that there is some well defined relation connecting the two different
descriptions. Such a kind of relations have recently shown up in super string
theory, where a web of dualities relates different phases of different super
string models. On the other hand, there is still no explicit way to connect
point like and stringy phases of non-supersymmetric field theories like QCD and
quantum gravity.
The main purpose of this letter is to provide a quite general
representation of the wave functional of a quantum loop in terms of string
degrees of freedom. The loop wave functional can describe the quantum state of
a one dimensional, closed, excitation of any quantum field theory, while
the corresponding string functional describes the boundary quantum fluctuations
of an open world-sheet. We shall find a quite general relation linking
these two different objects. The matching between a quantum loop and a quantum
string can be formally obtained through a (functional) Fourier transform.
In this letter we shall explicitly compute this Fourier transform and represent
the loop wave functional in terms of
the Bulk and Boundary wave functional of a quantum string.
As a byproduct of this new Loops/Strings connection, we shall obtain
that, contrary to the current wisdom, the Polyakov path integral,
does not encode the whole information about string quantum dynamics. In
agreement with the recently conjectured Holographic Principle, [4]
we shall obtain that the whole information appears to be stored into the
state of the boundary of the string world-sheet rather than into the bulk.
Our approach encodes the Holographic Principle and provides a clear
factorization of the bulk and boundary quantum dynamics. The bulk effects
being included into the Polyakov path integral while the boundary effects
are taken into account by the Eguchi string functional[5].
The quantum state of a closed, bosonic string is described by a
(complex) functional
defined over the space of all possible configurations, i.e.
shapes, of the boundary of an open
world-sheet . Accordingly,
can be written as a
phase space path integral of the form
where, are the string coordinates mapping the string manifold
in a world surface in target space;
are internal coordinates,
is the metric over the string manifold. We assume that
is simply connected and bounded by a curve
parametrically represented by
. Then,
in a contour
in target
is the canonical momentum
Finally, we sum in the path integral (1) over all
the string world sheets having the closed curve
the only boundary.
A closed line and an open two-surface can be given different
geometrical characterizations.
For our purposes, the best way to introduce them
is through the respective associated currents. Let us define
the Bulk Current, as a rank two
antisymmetric tensor distribution having non vanishing
support over a two dimensional world surface, and the Loop Current as the vector distribution with support
over the closed line
The divergence of the bulk current define the Boundary current
A simple way to link a closed line to a surface is by ``appending''
the surface to the assigned loop [6].
This matching condition can be formally written by identifying the loop
current with the boundary current :
It is worth to remark that the equation (7)
as the current associated to the
boundary of the surface . In the absence of (7)
is a loop current with no reference to
any surface. In other words, equation (7) is
a formal description of the `` gluing operation '' between
the surface and the closed line C.
Accordingly, one would identify loops states with string states through
a functional relation of the type
where, we introduced a Loop Dirac delta function which picks up
the assigned loop configuration C among the (infinite) family of all
the allowed string boundary configurations
Such a loop delta function requires a more appropriate definition. The
``current representation'' of extended objects provided by (4),
(5), (6) offers a suitable ``Fourier'' form
as a functional integral over a vector field
These seemingly harmless manipulations are definitely non trivial.
A proper implementation of the boundary conditions
introduces an Abelian vector field coupled both to the loop and
the boundary currents. The first integral in (9) is
the circulation of along the loop C while the second
represents the circulation along :
After introducing the Wilson factor as
the loop delta functional can be written as
and we can define the dual string functional through
a Loop Transform [7] :
Hence, the vector field is the Fourier conjugate variable to
the string boundary configuration. Finally, by projecting
along the loop C we obtain the wanted result
The whole procedure can be summarized as follows:
Let us proceed by unravelling the information contained in the string
. First of all, we must
choose the classical string action
and pushing forward the functional integration. There are several
action functionals providing equivalent classical descriptions of
string dynamics: the most appropriate for our purpose is the ``covariant'' Schild action:
is the string tension, and
is the area momentum [8] conjugated to world-sheet tangent bi-vector
Variation of the action functional with respect the field variables
provides the ``classical equation of motion''5
Equation (23) requires the vanishing of the string energy-momentum
tensor . Eq.(22) allows us to solve eq.(23) with
respect to the string metric:
Eq.(22) and (24)
show that the on-shell canonical momentum is proportional
mo the gradient of the string coordinate and the on-shell string metric
matches the world-sheet induced metric. By inserting these classical
solutions into (19) one recovers the Nambu-Goto action:
With some hindsight, this result follows from having introduced a non-trivial
in the string manifold. Thus, the Schild action
diffeormophism invariant as the Nambu-Goto action. Accordingly, we recovered
the classical equivalence showed in (25).
To carry on the path integration it is instrumental to extract
a pure boundary terg from the first integral in (19)
Then, we recognize that appears in the path integral
only in the last term of (26) through a linear coupling to the
left hand side of the classical equation of motion (21).
Accordingly, to integrate over the string coordinate is tantamount to
integrate over a Lagrange multiplier enforcing the canonical
momentum to satisfy the classical equation of motion (21):
Once the string coordinates have been integrated out, the resulting
path integral reads
Eq.(28) shows that we have sum only over classical momentum
trajectories. Such a restricted integration measure span the subset of
momentum trajectories of the form 6
is a -components multiplet of world-sheet
scalar fields, and
is a constant background over
the string manifold, i.e. is the area momentum zero mode :
By averaging the -field over the string world-sheet, one can extract
its zero frequency component
describes the bulk quantum fluctuations,
as measured with
respect to the reference value
. Confining 7
to the bulk of the string world-sheet requires appropriate boundary
conditions. Accordingly, we assume that both the fluctuation and
the tangential derivatives
vanish when
on the boundary :
Now, we can give a definite meaning to the integration measure over
the classical solutions:
We remark that the first two integrations are ``over numbers'' and not over
We have to sum over all possible constant values of
The constant mode of the bulk momentum does not mix with the other modes
in the on-shell Hamiltonian because the cross term vanish identically
Accordingly, boundary dynamics decouples from the bulk dynamics8 :
where, is the covariant, world sheet, D'Alambertian.
We introduced in eq.(38) and (39) two important ``areas''.
First, the loop area tensor, or Plücker coordinate,
appears as the canonical partner of the zero mode bulk area momentum
. Each component of the
represents the area of the ``loop shadow'' over the
coordinate plane. These shadows are the two dimensional pictures of the
string boundary, and provide an ``holographic
coordinate system''. The images allows to reconstruct the shape of the
loop in a similar way an hologram encodes on a plate
the whole information about a three dimensional structure.
Second, the proper area of the string world-sheet
provides an intrinsic evolution parameter for the system. However,
a quantum world sheet has not a definite proper area, the metric
in (41) being a quantum operator itself. Thus, the l.h.s.
of the definition (41) has to be replaced by the
corresponding quantum expectation value.
Then, we can split the sum over the string metrics into
a sum over metrics , with fixed quantum expectation value of the
proper area, times an ordinary integral over all the values of the area
quantum average:
The parameter enters the path integral as a constant external
source enforcing the condition that the quantum average
of the proper area operator is . From a physical point of view it
represents the world sheet cosmological constant, or vacuum energy
Hence, we can write the string functional as
The world sheet scalar field theory contains geometry
dependent, ultraviolet divergent quantities. This two dimensional
quantum field theory on a Riemannian manifold can be
renormalized by introducing suitable bulk and boundary ``counter terms''.
These new terms absorb the ultraviolet divergences, and
represent induced weight factors in the functional integration over
the metric, 9,
and the boundary shape
The basic result we get from
of the above calculation is to ``factorize'' boundary and bulk
quantum dynamics as follows:
The bulk quantum physics is encoded into the Polyakov
partition function[3]
for a scalar field theory covariantly coupled to gravity
on a disk10.
is the Eguchi wave functional encoding the holographic quantum mechanics
of the string boundary. Finally,
is the effective
action induced by the quantum fluctuation of the string world sheet. It is
a local quantity written in terms of the ``counterterms'' needed to cancel
the boundary ultraviolet divergent terms. The required counterterms are
proportional to the loop proper length and extrinsic curvature.
The most part of current investigations in quantum string theory
start from the Polyakov path integral and elaborate string theory as
scalar field theory defined over a Riemann surface. String perturbation
theory come from this term as an expansion in the genus of the
Riemann surface. Against
this background, we assumed the phase space, covariant, path integral
for the Schild string as the basic quantity encoding the whole
information about string quantum behavior, and we recovered the Polyakov
``partition functional'' as an effective path integral, after
integrating out the string coordinates and factorizing out the boundary
dynamics. It is worth to recall that the Conformal Anomaly and the
critical dimension are encoded into the Polyakov path integral.
Accordingly, they are bulk effects. But, this is not the end of the story.
Our approach provides the boundary quantum dynamics as well.
The fluctuations of the
field induces
the non-local part of the effective action for
the conformal anomaly, while
the world-sheet vibrations induce a local, geometry dependent, boundary
action. Furthermore, the Eguchi string wave
encodes the quantum holographic dynamics of
the boundary in terms of area coordinates. gives the amplitude to
find a closed string, with area tensor
, as the only
boundary of a world-sheet of proper area , as it was originally
introduced in the areal formulation of ``string quantum mechanics''.
This overlooked approach implicitly broke the accepted ``dogma'' that string
theory is intrinsically a ``second quantized field theory'', which cannot be
given a first quantized, or quantum mechanical, formulation.
This claim is correct as far as it
is referred to the infinite vibration modes of the world sheet bulk. On the
other hand, boundary vibrations are induced by the one dimensional field
living on it and by the constant zero mode of the area momentum
. From this viewpoint, the Eguchi approach appears as a
sort of Mini Superspace approximation of the full string dynamics in
momentum space: all the infinite bulk modes, except the constant one,
has been frozen out.
The ``field theory'' of this single mode collapses into a generalized
``quantum mechanics'' where both spatial and timelike coordinates are
replaced by area tensor and scalar respectively:
In the absence of external interactions, the
quantum state of the ``free world sheet boundary'' is represented
by a Gaussian wave functional
solving the corresponding ``Schrödinger equation''[9]:
where, is the proper length
Equation (49) encodes the boundary quantum behavior
irrespectively of the bulk dynamics: the only memory of the
world-sheet is only through its proper area A, no other information,
e.g. about topology of the string world sheet, is transferred to the
boundary. Our formulation enlights the
complementary role played by the bulk and boundary formulation of
strings quantum dynamics and the subtle interplay between the two.
The wave equation (49) displays one of the most intriguing
aspects of Eguchi formulation: the role of spatial coordinates is
played by the area tensor while the area is the evolution parameter.
Such an unusual dynamics is now explained as an induced effect due
to the bulk zero mode
Finally, the loop transform connects the string boundary
with the given loop C. The functional is
obtained by replacing everywhere with C in
The main result of this matching is:
to ``dress''
a bare quantum loop with the all degrees of freedom carried by a
quantum string.
We conclude this letter by speculating about a ``fully covariant''
formulation of the boundary wave equation (49) and its
physical consequences.
The spacelike and timelike
character of the two area coordinates
and shows
up in the Schrödinger, ``non-relativistic'' form, of
the wave equation (49) which is second order in
, and first order in
Therefore, it is intriguing to
ponder about the form and the meaning of the corresponding Klein-Gordon equation. The first step towards the ``relativistic''
form of (49) is to introduce an appropriate coordinate system
and can play a physically equivalent
role. Let us introduce a matrix coordinate where
certain components are
and . There is a
great freedom in the choice of . However, an interesting
possibility would be
where, we arranged the string center of mass coordinate
inside off-diagonal sub-matrices and build-up an antisymmetric
proper area tensor in order to endow with the same tensorial
character as
. The string length
scale,, has been introduced to provide the block
diagonal area sub-matrices the coordinate canonical dimension
of a length, in natural units.
The most remarkable feature for
this choice of is that if we let
to range
over four values, then is an anti symmetric
matrix with eleven independent entries. Inspired by the
recent progress in non-commutative geometry [10], where
point coordinates are described by non commuting matrices, we
associate to each matrix (51) a representative point
in an eleven dimensional space which is the product of the
-dimensional spacetime, times, the -dimensional holographic
loop space, times, the -dimensional areal time axis. Eleven
dimensional spacetime is the proper arena of
and we do not believe this is a mere coincidence.
According with the assignment of the
eleven entries in the corresponding
``point'' can represent different physical objects:
i) a point-like particle,
ii) a loop with center of mass in and holographic
iii) an open surface of proper area ,
boundary holographic coordinates
center of mass in ,i.e. a real string,
iv) a closed surface of proper area , i.e. a virtual string,
It is appealing to conjecture that ``Special Relativity'' in this
enlarged space will transform one of the above objects into another
by a reference frame transformation! From this vantage viewpoint
particles, loops, real and virtual strings would appear as the same
basic object as viewed from different reference frames. Accordingly,
a quantum field would create and destroy the
objects listed above, or, a more basic object encompassing all of them.
A unified quantum field theory of points loops and
strings, and its relation, if any, with -Theory or
non-commutative geometry, is an issue which
deserves a thoroughly, future, investigation [12].