...http://www-dft.ts.infn.it/ ansoldi1
E-mail address: ansoldi@trieste.infn.it
E-mail address: castro@hubble.cau.edu
...http://www-dft.ts.infn.it/ euro3
E-mail address: spallucci@vstst0.ts.infn.it
... bi-vector4
We indicate with $\delta^{[ m n ]}$ the antisymmetric symbol while $ \epsilon^ {m n} \equiv \delta^{[ m n ]}/\sqrt g $ is the Levi-Civita tensor.
... motion''5
Note that the first term in (19) is independent from the string metric $g_{m n}$. Only the second term contributes to the string energy momentum tensor.
... form6
As far as we stick to disk topology world-sheets, we can neglect a transverse harmonic component in the classical momentum. For more general topologies harmonic terms can give non trivial global contributions which must be properly taken into account.
By ``confinement'' we mean that there is no leakage of the field current $J_a\equiv \widetilde\eta^\mu\partial_a \widetilde\eta_\mu$ off the world sheet boundary,i.e.

\oint_\gamma dn^a J_a=0 .

... dynamics8
A boundary term

{1\over 2\sqrt{\mu_0}}\overline P_{\mu\nu}\oint_\gamma
...\over 2}
\oint_\gamma dn^m   \eta^\mu \partial_m \eta_\mu

vanishes because of the boundary conditions (34),(35).
This functional integration measure has to be factored out by the orbit of the diffeomorphism group, and in the critical dimension by the Weyl group, as well.
... disk10
Our result refers to the disk topology. The extension to more complex world sheet topology is straightforward: the single, bulk, partition functional has to be replaced by a sum over definite genus path integrals, i.e. $ Z_{BULK}^A\longrightarrow \sum_g Z_{BULK}^{(g),A}$. This is the starting point for introducing topology changing quantum processes in the framework of string theory.