- ...http://www-dft.ts.infn.it/ ansoldi1
- E-mail address:
- ...C.Castro2
- E-mail address:
- ...http://www-dft.ts.infn.it/ euro3
- E-mail address:
- ... bi-vector4
- We indicate with
the antisymmetric symbol
is the
Levi-Civita tensor.
- ... motion''5
- Note that
the first term in (19) is independent from the string
. Only the second term contributes to the string
energy momentum tensor.
- ... form6
- As far as we stick to disk
topology world-sheets, we can neglect a transverse harmonic component in the
classical momentum. For more general topologies harmonic terms can give
non trivial global contributions which must be properly taken into account.
- ...
By ``confinement'' we mean that there is no leakage of the field
off the world sheet boundary,i.e.
- ... dynamics8
A boundary term
vanishes because of the boundary conditions (34),(35).
- ...
- This functional integration measure has to be
factored out by the orbit of the diffeomorphism group, and in the
critical dimension by the Weyl group, as well.
- ... disk10
Our result refers to the disk topology. The extension to more
complex world sheet topology is straightforward: the single, bulk,
partition functional has to be replaced by a sum over definite genus
path integrals,
This is the starting point for introducing topology changing
quantum processes in the framework of string theory.