Recent proposals for a non-perturbative formulation of String Theory
[1] has renewed the interest for matrix models of non-Abelian
gauge theories.
Large Yang-Mills theories on a -dimensional spacetime
have been shown to be equivalent to reduced matrix models, where the
original matrix gauge field
is replaced by the same field at a single point, say
[3] (for a recent review see
Partial derivative operators
are replaced by commutators with a fixed diagonal matrix
, playing the role of translation
generator and called the quenched momentum
Accordingly, the covariant derivative becomes
. Thus, the reduced, quenched,
Yang-Mills field strength is
leading to the matrix Yang-Mills action in four dimensions
is the strong coupling constant, and
is an inverse momentum cut-off, or lattice spacing.
is the starting point to study large-
Yang-Mills theory. For our purposes, it is important to supplement
with the contribution from topologically
non-trivial field configurations, i.e. instantons, which is accounted
for by the topological term . The reason for this choice will be evident
later on:
where, is the vacuum angle.
The matrix model (2) in the limit has been shown
to describe strings
[6]. Here we would like to extend this
result and show that the model encoded by includes, in the large-
limit, not only strings, but also an open -brane with a Chern-Simons
-brane as its dynamical boundary.
These higher dimensional objects would provide
appropriate models for hadronic bags embedded in a four dimensional target
spacetime. In this way, we would hopefully fill
the gap between , as the fundamental quantum field theory of strong
interactions, and more phenomenologically oriented models for strongly
interacting, confined, objects. To make evident the relationship between
matrix gauge fields and extended objects we shall implement the effective,
and simple, correspondence among unitary operators
in Hilbert space and ordinary functions in a non-commutative phase space
[7], which has been originally established by the
Wigner-Weyl-Moyal (WWM) formulation of quantum mechanics (see
[8] for recent applications of this quantization method).
The eigenvalues of the unitary operator
span a -dimensional eigen-lattice
[9] with .
can be expressed in terms of
independent matrices , ,
, through the WWM relation
where the operators
satisfy the Heisenberg algebra
play the role of coordinates in a
Fourier dual space. is the deformation parameter, which for
reason is often represented by the same symbol as the Planck constant.
The basic idea under this approach is to identify the Fourier
space as the dual of a -dimensional world manifold of a brane.
The case , corresponding to strings, has been widely investigated because
of the relation between the
Lie algebra and the area
preserving diffeomorphism algebra over a two-dimensional
manifold ,
. Much less
attention has been given, in this framework,
to higher dimensional objects (a remarkable exception is
In this letter, we shall consider the case and
show that in the limit the action
becomes a bag action endowed with a dynamical boundary.