Of the many aspects of field theory explored by Umezawa during
his lifelong research activity, none seems more central and more far
reaching than the notion of ``boson condensation'' as a tool to
induce structure in the ground state of a physical system.
Boson condensation may lead to the formation of extended
objects [1]. This idea permeates Umezawa's work in the last
twenty five years and has inspired numerous original applications in
such diverse fields as condensed matter physics, gauge models of
particle physics and biology [2].
In retrospect, recognizing the influence of Umezawa's ideas on our
own work, we have decided to investigate some new aspects of our
current research on the theory of extended objects against the
conceptual backdrop of the boson condensation approach. Even though
our discussion is applicable to a generic p-brane embedded in a
spacetime of arbitrary dimensions, the specific objects that we wish
to consider presently are relativistic bubbles (2-branes in
current terminology), because of their historic role in the
development of QCD via the formulation of the so called ``bag
models'' of hadrons and because of their increasingly important
role in modern cosmology. In either case, one has to deal with a
multiphase ground state characterized by the formation of domain
walls separating regions of spacetime with different values of the
vacuum energy density. Then, the question that we address in this
paper is the search of a mechanism capable of inducing such a
structure over the spacetime continuum. One possible answer, we
contend, involves the process of boson condensation, and we are
fairly confident that Umezawa would agree.
We are not equally confident, however, that he would endorse our overall
strategy without some qualifications. In fact, before plunging into a
technical discussion of our work, it seems appropriate to recall the
key conceptual steps of Umezawa's work for the sake of comparison
with our own approach.
From Umezawa's vantage point, spatially extended objects,
relativistic or not, arise as special solutions of local
quantum field theories through the process of boson condensation.
Some such solutions may have topological singularities, in the sense
that the curl of the gradient of the boson condensation function is
not necessarily zero. Once formed, extended objects may influence
the original quantum system. This `` back reaction'' may be
accounted for by a self-consistent potential attributed to the
extended object.
The physical paradigm which reflects in full the above logical
sequence is a type-II superconductor. In this system, an external
magnetic field is squeezed into thin flux tubes by the vacuum
pressure of the Cooper pairs condensate. It is this picture that we
wish to extend to the case of relativistic bubbles minimally coupled
to an antisymmetric tensor gauge potential
specifically, the purpose of this paper is twofold: first, we wish
to show how membrane condensation takes place inducing a two-phase
structure in spacetime; second, we wish to show that membrane
condensation can be driven by the quantum corrections of the gauge
in analogy to the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism [3].
All of the above leads us to the interesting technical part of our
discussion, to the analogy with superconductivity and to a comparison
with Umezawa's approach.
Stefano Ansoldi
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Trieste