In order to address the above question, let us consider the gauge
invariant action for a gauge field , of rank , interacting with
an external current in a -dimensional Minkowski spacetime,
The external current
may be thought of as originating from the timelike history of a
-brane, and can be viewed as the boundary current of a
-dimensional bulk volume, or ``bag''.
Accordingly, the boundary is parametrized by
Gauge invariance of the action requires the current to satisfy the condition
The conservation of the boundary current, in turn, implies that
can be written
as the divergence of the bulk current :
In the case of the extremal theory encoded in the action functional
(1), the field strength is an antisymmetric tensor of
maximum rank for which no Bianchi Identities can be formulated. We propose
to circumvent this obstacle by using the first order formalism.
Technically, this means that the dualization procedure should be
implemented using the constraint
instead of
within the path integral approach. In
other words, as in the case of electrodynamics in two spacetime dimensions,
we impose that the ``Maxwell tensor'' is, in fact, the covariant curl of
the gauge potential. This leads us to the partition functional
corresponding to the original action (1),
Next, we write the Dirac-delta function in the exponential
form with the help of a Lagrange multiplier
From here, the dual partition functional is obtained by
integrating out independently both and .
First, the path integral (6), being Gaussian in , is
easily evaluated, and one finds
As for the -integration, we note that the key feature of the first
order formalism is to introduce the original gauge potential linearly
into the path integral. In this way, the potential appears as an additional
Lagrange multiplier which, after integration, yields the following condition
The effect of the above delta-function is to restrict the
``trajectories''in the path integral to the family of classical field
equation for the dual field . In order to extract the physical meaning of
the dual theory, it may be helpful to rewrite the above delta function in terms
of the bulk current , as follows
It should be noted that in trading the boundary current for the bulk current in
the delta function (10), we have introduced an arbitrary
constant field
. As mentioned in the introduction,
this arbitrary constant represents the solution of the homogeneous equation
for the -field, and corresponds to a cosmological term in the action.
Performing the integration over with the help of the above
delta-function leads to the following expression of the dual
partition functional,
Without loss of generality, our discussion can be simplified by
resetting the constant to zero, and by choosing the normalization factor
in such a way to cancel the determinant factor appearing in
With such redefinitions, equation (11) represents a direct
current-current interaction within the bulk which is dual to
the original theory (1) whose interaction takes place between elements of the boundary through the mediating agency of a
-index potential.
From the above result, one might be deceived into thinking that there
are physical quanta being exchanged between -brane elements in this
limiting case. However, the truth of the matter is that a
-index potential in -dimensions does not represent a genuine
``radiation'' field, in the sense that there are no propagating degrees of
freedom. As we have emphasized earlier, the field strength, in this case, merely
represents a constant background disguised as a gauge field. However,
if there are no physical degrees of freedom in the original theory, the
same must be true for the dual theory, and this begs the question: what is
the nature of the interaction that we have uncovered here?
In this connection, it is instructive to play the game in reverse, and
write the dual partition functional
in terms of the boundary current . Using
equation (5), one finds
The boundary current , on the other hand, can be expressed through
its Hodge dual
The above expression closely resembles the analogous formula for the
interaction between point charges in four dimensions. However, that
analogy is formal. More to the point, the physical content of
equation (14) is exactly analogous to that of ``electrodynamics'' in two
Indeed, the four vector , in the limiting case of -branes,
has no transverse, spatial, components. This is due to the conservation
property (3) of the original boundary current. In terms of the Hodge
dual , that conservation property implies the following relations
where represents the longitudinal component of the spatial part of
. In terms of that longitudinal component one can rewrite equation (14)
as follows
and this equation, in turn, can be rewritten in terms of the original brane
While the result (18) emphasizes the role of the ``zero-component''
of the brane current, thereby violating manifest covariance, it has the
advantage of describing a static, long range, interaction between
surface elements of the boundary. This is clearly reminiscent of the fact that
the original gauge potential has no propagating degrees of freedom,
much as electromagnetism in two dimensions, and actually represents its
generalization for extended objects in higher dimensions. With
hindsight, ``electrodynamics in two dimensions'' may be reinterpreted as a
theory of two dimensional bags [7].
Summing up our discussion so far, we have shown how to extend the
-dualization procedure, within a path integral approach, using a
first order formalism instead of Bianchi Identities in order to include the
limiting case of rank fields. Equation (11) shows that the
absence of a dual potential results in a local (contact) interaction of
the bulk current in the dual theory, while the original potential
induces a non-local, though static, long range interaction on the
boundary. The success of the procedure relies on the fact that it dualizes the
field strength to a field , which, by itself, is not necessarily
the covariant curl of a dual potential. In this sense, even if the dual
field of the gauge potential does not exist, one can still construct a dual
theory for its field strength. This would be impossible using the second order
formalism since, in that formalism, it is the gauge potential that
is dualized. Furthermore, it can be seen from equation (18) that a
physically meaningful dual theory exist only in case of an interacting theory,
as anticipated in the introduction.
With the above results in hand, we turn now to the following question
that arises naturally from our preceding discussion: can one include the
usual formulation of -duality within the extended dualization procedure
outlined above for the limiting theory? Clearly, this would be
desirable in order to have a unified approach to -duality for all values of
Our purpose in the remaining part of this letter, then, is to show that
it is indeed possible to reformulate the whole -duality approach
without using the Bianchi identities.
The road to a unified formulation starts from the ``parent Lagrangian'' for a
-form and an external current (in the case of an interacting theory)
coupled to a field , which we later identify as the dual
field. Our strategy, then, is to construct the parent Lagrangian in such a
way that the dualization procedure is applied to the field strength rather than
the gauge potential . In this approach, the procedure will turn out to
be equivalent to the first order formalism. What remains to be seen is
that in a non-limiting case the new procedure gives the same result as
the standard approach based on Bianchi identities.
We take the parent Lagrangian to be of the form7
where we have introduced both an ``electric brane'' current , a
``magnetic brane'' current , and the corresponding ``electric''
and ``magnetic'' charges and . The introduction of two distinct
currents is designed to reproduce within our formalism, among other dualitites,
also the well known Dirac electric-magnetic duality. Furthermore, is
assumed, at the outset, to be the curl of the gauge potential -form ,
while the
dual field is a -form to be determined in the course of
dualization. Our procedure, which is encapsulated in the diagram of Fig.1
involves two distinct steps which we discuss separately.
Figure 1: Summary of the dualization
Variation with respect to the field in the parent Lagrangian
yields the equation of motion
which, when inserted back into equation (19), gives the Lagrangian
of the interacting theory for the field as follows
The ``electric boundary'' current , coupled to the gauge potential
, can be expressed, as before, in terms of the ``electric'' bulk current
Inspection of equation (21) shows that there is a current-current
contact term, as well as a mixed term . Such contact
terms are unavoidable consequences of the dualization procedure, and were
noticed for the first time in Ref.[11].
The mixed contact term seems to be especially relevant
since it leads to the Dirac charge quantization condition
(Ref.[12]). Their overall importance for our present discussion will become
clear at the end of this letter.
Next, we redefine the field strength, in order to absorb
the magnetic bulk current:
and this
leads to the simple expression for the Lagrangian of the field
and to the corresponding field equation
Variation of the parent Lagrangian
with respect to ,
In all cases for which , the above ``equation of motion'' ,
it turns out, has a solution which defines the dual field as the field
strength of a dual potential , in agreement with the result of the
standard approach. This proves the equivalence of the two procedures for non
limiting cases. When equation (25) is inserted back in the expression
(19), one obtains the dual theory for the field coupled to the
external magnetic current , as described by the Lagrangian
The above Lagrangian leads to the field equations
where, once again, we have used the redefinition
. Similarly, the magnetic boundary current can be expressed as
As a check on the consistency of our procedure, it seems worth
observing that equations (24) and (27) in the case ,
, reproduce the Dirac electric-magnetic duality. Furthermore, one
can easily check that our procedure reproduces the well known
duality between an interacting scalar field in four dimensions, and an
interacting two-index antisymmetric gauge field. Indeed, with the
choice (
) and , one finds a Lagrangian
for a scalar field
which, in turn, leads to the equation of motion
while the dual field Lagrangian which follows from (26) is
and gives the equation of motion
Along the same lines one can prove that the above procedure gives all
known dual interacting theories whose current-free version are
described, for example, in Ref.[6].
Finally, in order to prove the equivalence to the first order
formalism described previously using the path integral approach, we take the
limiting value and in equation (21). This choice immediately
leads to
This is the same expression derived from the action functional
The dual theory follows instead from equation (25). As already mentioned,
normally that equation defines as the field strength of some potential ,
except in the limiting case where it gives the condition
This is the same constant field encountered in (10).
The dual theory is obtained via equation (26),
which is the same result as in equation (11) once we identify the Hodge duals
This shows the asserted equivalence of the path integral and
algebraic procedure in the limiting case, thus providing us with the non
trivial result that the modified -duality procedure is
applicable to any interacting theory. As a matter of fact, we
can proceed one step further with our extension of the -duality
procedure, and show that the algebraic procedure includes massive Abelian
topological theories as well.
In order to substantiate the above statement, we include in the parent
Lagrangian a massive topological term,,
for the field. The index structure of such topological terms imposes
the following restriction on the dimensionality of spacetime:
, showing, as is well known, that topological terms can exist
a priori only in odd dimensions. The addition of the topological term in
the parent Lagrangian does not affect equation (20), which is
obtained by variation of the Lagrangian with respect to the field. Thus,
inserting equation (20) back into the parent Lagrangian yields the following
Lagrangian for the massive topological theory for the field
Here we have kept only the ``magnetic'' current for an easier
comparison with the results in Ref.[11]. In this connection, we also note
that variation of the topological mass term alone with respect to gives
a term of the form,
. This term contributes
the equation of motion only if , while for the topological
term is a total derivative. Taking into account the previous
restriction to odd
, leads to the number of dimensions quoted in
Ref.[11]. In a spacetime with such dimensions, the equation of motion
for becomes
On the other hand, varying the full parent Lagrangian with respect to
, yields the equation of ``motion'' for the dual field
which represents an extension of the result (25) for the topological
term. It is also worth mentioning that equation (25) previously was
used to define the dual field as the field strength of the dual potential ,
while equation (37) implies that has to be of the same rank as
. Inserting equation (37) into the parent Lagrangian leads to the dual
Lagrangian for the massive ``topological'' theory
from which we derive the following equation of motion
In this way we have shown that the dual version of an interacting,
topologically massive, Abelian gauge theory discussed, for instance,
in Ref.[10], is an integral part of the modified -duality approach,
thus generalizing the results reported in Ref.[11] to arbitrary
dimensions .