... 1
E-mail address: ansoldi@trieste.infn.it
... Castro2
E-mail address: castro@ctsps.cau.edu
E-mail address: spallucci@vstst0.ts.infn.it
... dimensions4
If we keep $m_{p+1}\ne 0$ the brane coordinates have canonical dimension of length, while the world and the induced metric are dimensionless (in units $\hbar=1$, $c=1$), i.e. $[  Y^\mu  ]=M^{-1}$, $[  \gamma_{mn}  ]=[  g_{mn}  ]=1$.
... trajectory5
The same kind of ``collapse'' around the classical trajectory has been introduced in string theory [11] to pick up the Eguchi ``Area dynamics'' [12]. For a pedagogical introduction to this new path-integral manipulation see [13], where it has been applied to a simpler case, the non-relativistic point particle propagator.