... Decay1
P.A.C.S.: 11.17.
E-mail address: ansoldi@trieste.infn.it
E-mail address: aaurilia@csupomona.edu
E-mail address: balbinot@bologna.infn.it
E-mail address: spallucci@trieste.infn.it
We work with the numerator as described in the previous footnote. For the denominator we follow the same procedure, but due to the fact that now tex2html_wrap_inline$A_out < 0$, the sign of tex2html_wrap_inline$R$ dominates.
... case6
This particulaer step is based on the following observation: $\sigma _{in} \beta _{in} - \dot{R}
\sigma _{in} \sqrt{\dot{R} ^{2} + A_{in}} - \dot{R}
$ with Ain > 0, so that the argument of the absolute value is positive if $\sigma _{in} > 0$, and negative if $\sigma _{in} < 0$, i.e., it has the same sign of $\sigma _{in} \beta _{in}$, that is $\sigma _{in}$. The same is true for the denominator.
... relations7
We set $ G \equiv \hbar \equiv 1$

Stefano Ansoldi
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Trieste