The first way to implement this is as follows: let us take
(17) with the first term in the
right hand side only, but let us also say that the variation with respect
to has to be performed taking into account that is in some sense
the analogous of a ``total derivative''.
But then, what is a total derivative in the matrix formulation?
One property of a total derivative is that its integral is
is fixed from the boundaries, which are not varied. Let us say for
simplicity that we take the integral to be zero ( fixing it to another
constant will not change anything ).
In this case we must proceed as follows:
Take the action as in (17),
but only consider the first term in the right hand side.
Consider the variation of such action, but with the constraint that
a total derivative, which means that
To do this in practice we add to the action defined in (1)
, where is an undetermined lagrange multiplier
which implements condition .
The resulting theory will have then an arbitrary string tension if we continue
from . The constant , i.e. the
undetermined lagrange multiplier playing the role of the
constant of integration in (11).