Select the following Judo throws (nage waza) to see a 3-step drawing of how to do the technique. In each case the person being thrown (uke) is wearing the darker judogi. The techniques are listed in alphabetical order by the Japanese name.
As an additional reference you may wish to look at these photos or these drawings of throws being executed in competition.
These drawings were prepared by Sensei Bill Nauta and are provided here with his permission. There are 60 throws and 180 separate drawings that represent a considerable amount of work. These drawings are reduced and encoded with a hidden digital signature for identification, and they may not be reproduced without Mr. Nauta's express permission. A wall poster which includes all of these throws is available from the USJA. Mr. Nauta is a 5th degree black belt instructor of the Encino Judo Club and a commercial graphic artist working on a book about Judo. He has also produced a video, "The Key to Armlocks", available for $15, plus shipping. Write to Bill Nauta at 18929 Hart Street, Reseda, CA USA 91335 for further information.
Ashi Guruma Foot Wheel
De Ashi Harai Advancing Foot Sweep
Hane Goshi Spring Hip Throw
Hane Maki Komi Spring Wrap Around
Harai Goshi Sweeping Hip Throw (and another Harai Goshi)
Harai Tsuri Komi Ashi Lifting Pulling Foot Sweep
Hiza Guruma Knee Wheel
Ippon Seoinage One Arm Shoulder Throw
Kani Basami Flying Scissors
Kata Guruma Shoulder Wheel (and here's a photo of how Kata Guruma should look.)
Kibisu Gaeshi Heel Trip Reversal
Koshi Guruma Hip Wheel
Ko Soto Gake Minor Outside Hook
Ko Soto Gama Minor Outside Sickle
Ko Soto Gari Minor Outside Reap
Ko Uchi Gake Minor Inner Hook
Ko Uchi Gari Minor Inner Reap
Morote Seoinage Two Arm Shoulder Throw (see also this Morote Seoinage or this one)
Nidan Ko Soto Gari Double Outside Reap
Nidan Ko Soto Gake Double Outside Hook
O Goshi Major Hip Throw
O Guruma Major Wheel
Okuri Ashi Harai Sliding Foot Sweep
O Soto Gake Major Outer Hook
O Soto Gari Major Outer Reaping (see also this O Soto Gari or this one by Kimura)
O Soto Guruma Major Outer Wheel
O Soto Makikomi Major Outer Wrap Around
O Soto Otoshi Major Outer Drop
O Uchi Gake Major Inner Hook
O Uchi Gari Major Inner Reaping
Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi Lifting Pulling Ankle Block
Seoi Otoshi Shoulder Drop
Sode Tsuri Komi Goshi Sleeve Lifting Pulling Hip
Soto Makikomi Outer Wrap Around (see also this Soto Makikomi)
Sukui Nage Scoop Throw (and another Sukui Nage--89K)
Sumi Gaeshi Corner Reversal
Sumi Otoshi Corner Drop
Tai Otoshi Body Drop (see also this Tai Otoshi)
Tani Otoshi Valley Drop
Tawara Gaeshi Rice Bag Reversal
Te Guruma Hand Wheel
Tomoe Nage Circle Throw (and another drawing or see this photo)
Tsubame Gaeshi Swallow Flight Reversal
Tsuri Goshi Lifting Hip
Tsuri Komi Goshi Lifting Pulling Hip
Uchi Mata Inner Thigh Throw (and another Uchi Mata)
Uchi Mata Makikomi Inner Thigh Wrap Around
Ude Gaeshi Arm Reversal
Uki Goshi Floating Hip
Uki Otoshi Floating Drop (see also this fine photo)
Ura Nage Back Throw
Ushiro Goshi Rear Hip Throw
Utsuri Goshi Changing Hip Throw
Yama Arashi Mountain Storm
Yoko Gake Side Hook
Yoko Guruma Side Wheel
Yoko Otoshi Side Drop
Yoko Wakare Side Separation