The reason I would like to teach that course is because many students graduate from high school and hate mathematics, physics and science in general. The reason in most cases is because their high-school teachers have terrorized them with these subjects. Most of the time the poor performance of the students in these subjects is because their teachers were not able to properly present the material. This is because the teachers were just dissatisfied with their job which in most cases is badly paid. Most of these students (but not all) embark then in liberal-art curricula at the University and they keep hating science all their life. Anyhow I would also like to teach it because from Poets we scientists have a lot to learn. For example many poets write poetry just for the pleasure of it and they do not want to publish it, contrary to most scientists..... One of the poet who does not want to pubblish happens to me my wife Vitto and, without telling her, I have put a poem of her below for people to enjoy reading it. I am sorry that, except the title, I have not translated it from Italian to English. It is impossible to do it properly unless one is a poet and I am not a poet. So I hope that those who cannot understand it, at least appreciate the musicality of that beautiful language which is Italian. ============================================================== AUTHOR: Vitto, Maggio 1996 TITLE : A maggio, le Lucciole....(in May...the Fireflies) Nei miei pensieri riandate di solo volo vestite.... forse niente.... forse vi ho solo sognate..... L'andirivieni -di prato in prato- e gli iridescenti baci al complice buio che vi ha invitate.... Vi rivedo piccole come bambine nel verde rugiada chinate e poi, cosi, volteggiate nel cielo sospese -or ora nascoste- con lo stesso equilibrio dal nulla riapparse.... Di prato in prato volate giocando con poco sospinte dal vento che ha un sussulto al vostro incantesimo e lo confondete....... Fino a quando sfumando le cose nel blu della sera voi..... come piccoli zafferi candidi ridisegnate tra noi i colori del cielo e l'arte del suo firmamento......