- `` Semi-classical approach to quantum black holes ''
E. Spallucci, A. Smailagic
invited contribution to the book `` Advances in black holes research '' , Nova Science Publisher, Inc. (2015)
- `` Holographic screens in ultraviolet self-complete quantum gravity ``
A. Nicolini, E. Spallucci
Invited paper in
Adv. in High Energy Phys. , Special Issue on '' Black Holes Physics ``
Volume 2014, Article ID 805684, 9 pages
- '' The Abelian Higgs model and a minimal length in an un-particle scenario ``
P. Gaete, E. Spallucci
E. Phys. Lett. 105, 21002, (2014)
- `` The final stage of gravitationally collapsed thick matter layers ''
A. Nicolini, A.Orlandi, E. Spallucci,
invited paper in
Adv. in High Energy Phys., Special Issue on
` Experimental Tests of Quantum Gravity and Exotic Quantum Field Theory Effects ''
Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 812084, 8 pages
- '' Maxwell's equal area law and the Hawking-Page phase transition ``
A. Smailagic, E.Spallucci
J. of Grav. vol. 2013 , ID525696 , 7 pages
- `` Why the length of a quantum string cannot be Lorentz contracted ''
A.Aurilia, E. Spallucci
Invited paper in Adv. in High Energy Phys., Special Issue on
``Experimental Tests of Quantum Gravity and Exotic Quantum Field Theory Effects''
- `` Maxwell's equal area law for charged Anti-deSitter black holes ''
A. Smailagic, E.Spallucci
Phys. Lett. B723 436-441 ,(2013)
- `` Production and evaporation of Planck scale black holes at the LHC ''
P. Nicolini, J. Mureika, E. Spallucci, E. Winstanley and M. Bleicher
MG13 Proceedings
e-Print: arXiv:1302.2640 [hep-th]
- `` Thermodynamical phases of a regular SAdS black hole ''
A. Smailagic, E.Spallucci
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D22 13500101-135001012 (2013)
- `` Aspects of finite electrodynamics in
dimensions ''
P. Gaete, J. Helayel-Neto, E. Spallucci
J. of Phys. A 45, (2012) 215401
- `` Could Any Black Holes be produced at the LHC? ''
J.R. Mureika, P. Nicolini, and E. Spallucci
Phys.Rev.D85, 106007 (2012)
- `` Black holes production in self-complete quantum gravity ''
E.Spallucci, A. Smailagic,
Phys. Lett. B709 266-269 ,(2012)
- `` Finite axionic electrodynamics from a new noncommutative approach ''
P. Gaete, E. Spallucci
J. of Phys. A 45,065401-065415,(2012)
Euro Spallucci