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- Review dell' articolo:
``Consistent reduction of IIB*/M* theory and de Sitter supergravity''
J.T. Liu et al.
J. High Energy phys. 2004, no.1, 007, 23pp (electronic)
- Review dell' articolo:
``Basic symplectic geometry for
-branes with thickness ...''
Modern Phys. Lett. A 19 (2004), 2069
- Review dell' articolo:
``The variational principle and effective action for a Spherical Dust Shell''
V.Gladush Gen. Rel. Grav. 36 (2004) 1821
- Review dell' articolo:
``Gravitational radiation and the energy flux of matter''
J.W.Maluf, F.F.Faria GAnn. Phys. (8) 13 (2004) 604
- Review dell' articolo:
``Vacuum stability in heterotic
theory ''
E. I. Buchbinder, B. A. Ovrut Phys. Rev. D69 (2004) 086010
- Review dell' articolo:
``Quantum theory in six dimensions...'' H. Mans
Proceedings of the Gunnar Nordstrom Symposium on Theoretical Physics, 129-130
- Review dell' articolo:
``Supersymmetry and lorentzian holonomy in various dimensions''
R. Hernandez, K.Sfetsos, D.Zoakos,
J. High Energy Phys. 2004, no.9, 010, 17pp (electronic)
- Review dell' articolo:
``Non-relativistic superbranes'' J. Gomis, K. Kamimura, P. K. Townsend
JHEP 0411 (2004) 051
- Review dell' articolo:
``Aspects of holography in the AdS/CFT correspondence''
Fortschr. Phys. 53, 339 (2005)
- Review dell' articolo:
``Neveau-Schwarz fivebranes and tachyon condensation''
G. Debashis, J. Dileep, J. Math. Phys. 46, 062301 (2005)
- Review dell' articolo:
``Supersymmetric standard model spectra from RCFT orientifolds''
T.P.T. Dijkstra et al. Nucl. Phys. B710, 3 (2005)
- Review dell' articolo:
``One dimensional
-brane intersections''
A. Fayyazuddin et al. Phys. Rev. D71, 106003 (2005)
- Review dell' articolo:
dimensional Georgi-Glashow instantons in the Wey gauge ''
G. W. Dunne , V. Khemani J. Phys. A38 7577 (2005)
- Review dell' articolo:
``A note on theories with a minimal length''
Class. Quant. Grav. 23 (2006) 1815-1821
- Review dell' articolo:
``Physical and mathematical evidences for a negative-rank tensor''
P.Gaete, C. Wotzasek, Phys. Lett. B634, 545 (2006)
- Review dell' articolo:
``On the effective theory of low-scale orientifold string vacua''
C.Coriano, et al. , Nucl. Phys. B 746 (2006) 77
- Review dell' articolo:
``Phenomenological aspects of heterotic orbifold models at one loop''
P. Bineutry et al. , Eur. Phys. J. C 47, 481-505 (2006)
- Review dell' articolo:
``More on general
-brane solutions''
D. Gal'tsov et al. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21 3575-3603, (2006)
- Review dell' articolo:
``Local models of gauge mediated superesymmetry breaking in string theory''
I. Garcia-Extebarria, F. Saad, A.M. Uranga
JHEP 08 (2006) 069
- Review dell' articolo:
-branes in ten dimensions and non-Abelian Born-Infeld
R. Gianvittorio, A.Restuccia, J. Stephany
Class. Quant. Grav. 23 (2006) 7471-7478
- Review dell' articolo:
``Black hole geometry in non-commutative string theory''
S.Kar, S.Majumdar, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 21 (2006) 6087
- Review dell' articolo:
``Orientifolds, hypercharge embeddings and the Standard Model''
Nuc. Phys. B759, 83 (2006)
- Review dell' articolo:
``Noncommutative gravity''
E. Harikumar, V. O. Rivelles,
Class. Quant. Grav. 23 (2006) 7551-7560
- Review dell' articolo:
``Teh three-dimensional noncommutative Gross-Neveu model''
R. Charneski et al.
J. Phys. A 40 (2007) 3633-3641
- Review dell' articolo:
D. Yamada,
``Metastability of R-charged black holes,''
D. Yamada,
Class. Quant. Grav. 24, 3347 (2007)
- Review dell' articolo:
S. Hossenfelder
``Deformed special relativity in position space''
Phy. Lett. B, 649 (2007) 310-316
- Review dell' articolo:
H.Verlinde, M.Wijinholt
``Building the standard model on a D3-brane''
JHEP 0701, 106 (2007)
- Review dell' articolo:
R. F. Sobreiro and V. J. Vasquez Otoya,
``Effective gravity from a quantum gauge theory in Euclidean space-time,''
Class. Quant. Grav. 24, 4937 (2007)
- Review dell' articolo:
``The string landscape, black holes and gravity as the weakest force''
Nima Arkani-Hamed, Lubos Motl, Alberto Nicolis, Cumrun Vafa (Harvard U., Phys. Dept.) . HUTP-05-A0057, Jan 2006. 20pp.
JHEP 0706:060, (2007).
- Review dell' articolo:
``Quantization of non-critical bosonic open string theory''
I. Nikitin,
in ``Progress in String Theory Research'',
Susan Grece ed., Nova Publ. (2006)
- Review dell' articolo:
`` Kappa-symmetry for coincident D-branes''
P.S. Howe, U. Lindstrom , L. Wulff, JHEP 0709:010,2007.
- Review dell' articolo:
E. Di Grezia, G. Esposito and G. Miele,
``Black hole evaporation in a spherically symmetric non-commutative
E. Di Grezia, G. Esposito and G. Miele,
J. Phys. A 41, 164063 (2008)
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