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$4$-rd Kyu green belt (yonkyu level) lesson #4

  1. fundamentals Kumikata: double sleeve grips, wraparound grip breaks.
  2. Kuzushi studies: use of "action/reaction" initiated by both tori, and uke.
  3. Ukemi: leaping roll falls, round offs.
  4. the "five basic groundfighting positions":
    $[1]$ head to head
    $[2]$ hands and knees: top
    $[3]$ hands and knees: bottom
    $[4]$ legs around: top, $[5]$ legs around: bottom.
  5. Turnovers, which include:
    "quarter-Nelson", and
    "half-Nelson" turnovers.
  6. Ko-soto-gake ( minor outer hook ),
  7. Tsuri-goshi ( lifting hip throw ),
  8. Yoko-otoshi ( side drop ),
  9. Ashi-guruma ( leg wheel ),
  10. Hane-goshi ( hip spring ),
  11. Harai-tsuri-komi-ashi ( lift-pull foot sweep ),
  12. Tomoe-nage ( circle throw ),
  13. Kata-guruma ( shoulder wheel ).
  14. throw defenses: "turnouts".
  15. Tate-shiho-gatame ( straight four corner hold ),
  16. Kata-gatame ( shoulder hold ), also includes "rocker" escapes.
  17. Ryo-te-jime ( two hand "curl" choke ),
  18. Nami-juji-jime ( normal cross choke ), also includes "elbow clamp" choke defense.
  19. Ude-garami ( entangled armlock ),
  20. Ude-gatame ( straight armlock ).
  21. Tegatana-ate ( edge of hand ) used in Naname-uchi ( "judo chop" ), and Kiri-oroshi ( slash ), also Yoko-uchi ( side blow ), and Tsuri-geri ( lift kick ).
Century-Panther/length: 83 minutes #judo-4

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Euro Spallucci 2006-03-21