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$5$-rd Kyu orange belt ( gokyu level ) lesson #3

  1. fundamentals Jigotai ( defensive stance ):
    Hon-jigotai ( basic defensive stance ),
    Migi-jigotai ( right defensive stance ),
    Hidari-jigotai ( left defensive stance ).
  2. Shintai continued: normal walking vs. Ayumi-ashi ( "judo" walking ), also diagonal Tsugi-ashi.
  3. generating Kuzushi: this tape covers the two most basic ways kuzushi is generated ( by a change of posture or stance by you, or your opponent ).
  4. Ukemi:
    Zempo-ukemi ( a.k.a. Mae-ukemi - forward fall ),
    Koho-kaiten-ukemi ( back roll fall ).
  5. Ko-soto-gari ( minor outer reap ),
  6. Ko-uchi-gari ( minor inner reap ),
  7. Koshi-guruma ( hip wheel ),
  8. Tsuri-komi-goshi ( lift-pull hip throw ),
  9. Okuri-ashi-barai ( assist foot sweep ),
  10. Tai-otoshi ( body drop ),
  11. Harai-goshi ( sweeping loin throw ),
  12. Uchi-mata ( inner thigh throw ).
  13. throw defenses: "jump-around" defenses.
  14. Kami-shiho-gatame ( upper four corners hold ), also includes "leg entangling", "bridge and roll", and "uphill turn" escapes.
  15. Okuri-eri-jime ( sliding lapel choke ),
  16. Kata-ha-jime ( single wing choke ), also includes ``$1$ arm climb" defense against rear chokes.
  17. Waki-gatame ( armpit lock ),
  18. Ko-te-gaeshi ( minor hand reversal ).
  19. Uzu-maki ( base of hand strike ),
  20. Tsukiage ( uppercut ), also includes "down" block defenses against strikes.
Century-Panther/length: 85 minutes #judo-3

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Euro Spallucci 2006-03-21