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$2$-nd Kyu brown belt (  nikyu level ) lesson #6

  1. O-soto-guruma ( major outer wheel ),
  2. Uki-waza ( floating throw ),
  3. Yoko-wakare ( side separation ),
  4. Yoko-guruma ( side wheel ),
  5. Ushiro-goshi ( reverse hip throw ),
  6. Ura-nage ( back throw ),
  7. Sumi-otoshi ( corner drop ),
  8. Yoko-gake ( side hook ).
  9. Renraku-waza ( combination techniques ).
  10. Kuzure-yoko-shiho-gatame ( "modified" side four corners hold ), also methods of "trapping arms" hold downs.
  11. Sode-guruma-jime ( sleeve wheel choke ),
  12. Variations of Kata-juji-jime ( half cross choke ).
  13. Hara-gatame ( stomach armlock ),
  14. Hiza-gatame ( knee armlock ),
  15. Ashi-gatame ( leg armlock ).
  16. Hiji-ate ( elbow strikes ),
  17. Hiza-gashira-ate ( strikes with the leg just above the knee ).
Century-Panther/length: 60 minutes #judo-6

Euro Spallucci 2006-03-21