Date of birth: 20 April 1960
Present Position: Associate Professor
Institution: Department of Physics, University of Trieste, I-34151
Trieste, Italy
1984, Master Degree in
Physics: University of Trieste (Italy)
1988, Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics:
International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste (Italy)
1989, Post Doc: Institute for
Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna (Austria)
1990, Post Doc: Dublin Institute for
Advanced Studies, Dublin (EIRE)
1990-2013, Research Staff Member,
University of Trieste, Italy
1998, Research visitor: Institute for
Theoretical Physics, University of Leuven Belgium
2014-present, Associate professor:
University of Trieste (Italy)
Research Interests
Many-Body Open Quantum Systems
Quantum Correlations in Mesoscopic
Quantum Systems
Entropy and Complexity in Quantum
Scientific Publications
Citations: 2790 (ISI Web of Science)
h factor: 26 (ISI Web of Science)
1. F. Benatti: Deterministic Chaos in Infinite Quantum Systems
(Trieste Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag 1993)
2. F. Benatti: Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum
Systems (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Springer-Verlag 2009)
Refereed Papers: 155 (see
Proceedings: 11
Edited Books and Special Issues
1. Irreversible
Quantum Dynamics, F. Benatti, R. Floreanini
eds., Lec. Notes. Phys. 622, Springer 2003
2. J.
Phys. A 40 (2007), Special Issue, F. Benatti, M. Fannes, R. Floreanini and D. Petritis eds.
3. Quantum
Information, Computation and Cryptography, F. Benatti,
M. Fannes, R. Floreanini
and D. Petritis eds, Lec.
Notes Phys. 808, Springer 2010
4. Loss
of coherence and memory effects in quantum dynamics, F. Benatti,
R. Floreanini and G. Scholes eds, J. Phys. B: At.
Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 (2012) 150201
School and Workshop Organization
1. Quantum
Entropies: Dynamics and Information, SISSA, Trieste, 14-18 December 2001
2. Irreversible
Quantum Dynamics, ICTP, Trieste, 29 July-2 August 2002
3. Kolmogorov's
Legacy in Physics: One Century of Chaos, Turbolence
and Complexity, ICTP, Trieste, 8-17 September 2003
4. Theory
and Technology in Quantum Information, Communication, Computation,
Cryptography, ICTP, Trieste, 12-23 June 2006
5. New
Trends in Quantum Dynamics and Entanglement, ICTP, Trieste, 14-25 February 2011
Quantum Africa Conference 3: Advances in
Quantum Sciences, 22-26 September 2014, Mohammed V Agdal University,
Rabat, Marocco
Trieste Quantum Days 2017,
SISSA, 20-24 February 2017, Trieste, Italy
QUANT2018, Quantum Information, communication
and computing: advances in theory and implementations, Universitè
de Cergy-Pontoise, France, 26-28 September 2018
School and Workshop on “Ubiquitous Quantum Mechanics”,
ICTP, Trieste, 25 February- 1 March 2019.
Talks at School and Congresses
1. Quantum
Probability Conference, Gdansk (Poland), June 1997 (invited speaker)
2. Raach Graduate
Triangle School, Raach (Austria) 1999 (invited
3. Dresden
Symposium on Entropy, Dresden (Germany) June 2000 (invited speaker)
4. Quantum
Probability Conference, God (Hungary), September 2000 (invited
5. 38 Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, (Poland)
February 2002 (invited speaker)
6. International
Congress of Mathematical Physics, Lisbon (Portugal) 27 July--2 August 2003
(invited speaker)
7. School
on Quantum Information and Computation, Istanbul Feza
Gursey Institute, 25 August-- 5 September 2003
(invited lecturer)
8. Oberwolfach Workshop on
Entanglement and Decoherence: Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Information
and Computation, 23-29 January 2005 (invited speaker)
9. Problemi
Attuali di Fisica Teorica: Vietri sul Mare, 18-24 Marzo
2005 (contributed talk)
10. Natural
Processes and Models of Computation: Bologna, June 16-18 2005(invited
11. 14th
International Laser Physics Workshop: Kyoto, July 4-8, 2005 (contributed talk)
12. Advances
in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and
photons: Torino, 2-5 May 2006 (contributed talk)
13. Caos, Complessita' ed Informazione III: 20-21 March 2006, Bologna
(invited speaker)
14. Aspects
of Complexity: Rome, September 11-12 2006 (invited
15. Metodi e
Problemi Matematici in Meccanica Quantistica: Modena, 5-7 October
2006 (invited speaker)
16. Noise
Information & Complexity @ Quantum Scale: Erice
4-10 November 2007 (contibuted talk)
17. Italian
Quantum Information Science Conference: Camerino, October
24--29, 2008 (contributed talk)
18. Problemi
Attuali di Fisica Teorica: Vietri sul Mare, 3-8 April, 2009 (invited lecturer)
19. 2009
Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering: Tampere,
Finland, August 17-19, 2009 (invited speaker)
20. Italian
Quantum Information Science Conference 2009: Pisa, 5--8 November 2009
(contributed talk)
21. 46 Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, "Quantum
Dynamics and Information: Theory and Experiment", Ladek
Zdroj, Poland, 8-13 February 2010 (invited talk)
22. Leuven
Mathematical Physics Days, 6-7 May 2010 (invited speaker)
23. Quantum
Channels, Quantum Information - Theory & Applications, Torun, June 19-22,
2010 (invited speaker)
24. Complex
Quantum Systems, IFSC Palma De Mallorca, 14-15 October 2010 (invited speaker)
25. Andrejewski Day Freiburg,
The mathematics of quantum transport, Friday, May 18, 2012, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
(invited speaker)
26. 44
Symposium on Mathematical Physics, New Developments in the Theory of Open
Quantum Systems, Torun, June 20-24, 2012 (invited speaker)
27. The
third International Iran Conference on Quantum Information (IICQI-12),
Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 8-12
September 2012 (invited speaker)
28. Quantum
Information meets Statistical Mechanics, September 22-25 2012,
Innsbruck, Austria (invited speaker)
29. Nonlinear
Dynamics of Electronic Systems, July 10-12 2013, Bari,
Italy (invited speaker)
30. 6-th
Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, 24-26 September 2013, Como
Italy (invited speaker)
31. 48 Symposium on
Mathematical Physics: Gorini-Kossakowski-Lindblad-Sudarshan
Master Equation {40 Years After, June 10-12, 2016, Torun
Poland (invited speaker)
32. Contemporary Trends
in the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics, 4-8 July 2016, Rome, Italy (invited speaker)
33. Trieste Quantum
Days 2017, SISSA, 20-24 February 2017, Trieste, Italy (invited speaker)
34. IQIS 2017 - 10th
Italian Quantum Information Science conference, 12-15 September 2017, Florence,
Italy (contributed speaker)
35. IICQI 2018,
International Iran Conferences on Quantum Information, Sharif University of
Technology, Teheran, Iran, 8-11 September 2018 (invited speaker)
36. Quantum Resources
and their Application, KCIK, Sopot, Poland, May 23rd-25th 2019 (invited
37. Quantum 2019,
Turin, Italy, May 26th, June 1st 2019 (invited
52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Torun, June 14-17 2021 (invited speaker)
39. DPG-meeting 20 - 24 September 2021
(invited speaker)
E.C.G. Sudarshan, P.M.
Mathews and J. Rau Workshop, October 14 – 15, 2021 (invited speaker)
Sixth Iranian
Conference on Mathematical Physics, February 6-8, 2022 (keynote speaker)
INDAM Quantum
meeting, March 7-11, 2022 (invited speaker)
Participation in National and International Research Projects
1. Italian
PRIN 2002: Classical, Quantum and Stochastic Dynamical Systems (Local Unit
2. Italian
PRIN 2004: Classical, Quantum and Stochastic Systems with Infinitely Many Degres of Freedom (Local Unit Coordinator)
3. Italian
PRIN 2006: Quantum Noise in Mesoscopic Systems (Local Unit Coordinator)
Local responsible for the INFN national
research project Quantum: 2014-2019
1. Mathematical
Methods for Physics (2nd year)
2. Statistical
Mechanics (4th year)
3. Introduction
to Quantum Information (4th year)
Former Master students and graduation year
1. Tamara
GRAVA (1994)
2. Renato
CAZZARO (1994)
3. Cristiano
4. Adriano
LAPEL (2000)
5. Marco
PIANI (2001)
6. Francesca
7. Caterina
MORA (2004)
8. Alexandra
LIGUORI (2006)
9. Luca
10. Pierfrancesco ROSINI (2008)
11. Giovanni
MORAS (2008)
12. GianGiacomo GUERRESCHI
13. Mauro
TONON (2009)
14. Marco
15. Marco
16. Stefano
17. Van
NUNG DON (2014)
18. Enrico
SINDICI (2015)
19. Jacopo SURACE (2015)
21. Francesco PETIZIOL (2016)
24. Luigi BRANCATI (2018)
25. Francesco SPADOTTO (2019)
26. Stefano MANGINI (2019)
27. Salvatore GATTO (2019)
28. Federico Guglielmo
ALBERTAN MIN (UniTo, 2021)
29. Francesco VALIERA (2021)
30. Stefano PISONI (UniBo, 2022)
Former PhD students
1. Raffaele
ROMANO (Trieste University: 2001—2003)
2. Valerio
CAPPELLINI (Trieste University: 2002—2004)
3. Marco
PIANI (Trieste University: 2003—2005)
4. Sebastiano
ANDERLONI (Trieste University: 2007—2009)
5. Alexandra
LIGUORI (Trieste University: 2008—2010)
6. Adam
NAGY (Budapest Technical University: 2008—2010)
7. Ugo
MARZOLINO (Trieste University: 2009—2011)
(SISSA, Trieste: 2010—2012)
9. Giuseppe
ARGENTIERI (Trieste University: 2010-2013)
10. Kelvin
TITIMBO (Trieste University: 2012-2014)
11. Samad KHABBAZI OSKOUEI (Teheran University:
12. Federico CAROLLO (Trieste
University: 2013-2015)
13. Stefano MARCANTONI
(Trieste University: 2015-2017)
Present PhD students
1. Francesca GEBBIA (Trieste University: 2019-2021)