The answer to the question raised in the previous subsection was suggested
by Stueckelberg a long time ago [16]. The original Stueckelberg
proposal was to recover gauge invariance by introducing a compensating scalar
field so that the resulting action
is invariant under the extended gauge transformation
In this case, the vector field equation
is self-consistent because of the -field equation
Evidently, the role of the constraint (24) is to combine
component of the vector potential with the compensator field in
such a way that symmetry is restored with respect to the extended gauge
transformation. In our geometric interpretation, this is equivalent to
``closing the world history'' by compensating for the leakage of symmetry
through the boundary. In this sense, the generation of mass is the
consequence of ``mixing'' two gauge fields, namely the
component of the vector potential with the -field. As a
matter of fact, Eq. (24) determines the mixed, gauge invariant
field to be
Once the above equation (25) is inserted into the action
we obtain
which represents an ``effective action'' for the
only physical degree of freedom represented by