Electric-magnetic duality for closed -branes embedded in a
target space was established many years ago[1], leading to the
general correspondence that the dual of a
-brane is a
. Table 2 illustrates this correspondence.
For instance, the brane solution of
supergravity is the
``magnetic dual'' of an electric membrane, and there is a consensus that
this type of solutions may represent the basic geometric elements of a
unified theory of all fundamental interactions. Among the open questions that
such a ``final'' theory must address, a preeminent one concerns the mechanism
of mass generation in the universe. The celebrated Higgs mechanism was
invented and successfully applied within the framework of local quantum field
theory, i.e., a ``low energy'' framework dealing with the interactions of
point-particles in the Standard Model. Since point-particles are currently
thought of as low energy manifestations of the underlying dynamics of strings
and higher dimensional objects, it seems pertinent to ask what is the
``engine'' of mass production at the level of
-brane dynamics, say at the
string scale of energy and beyond. Recent developments in non-perturbative
string theory [2] suggest a geometrical picture of the Higgs mechanism
in terms
of open strings stretched between pairs of
With such a picture in mind, we shall extend the notion of electric-magnetic
duality to the case of open -branes. As a spin-off effect, this
extension will enable us to illustrate a new mechanism of mass generation which
stems directly from a non-trivial interaction between different
rank bulk and boundary gauge fields .
On the mathematical side, there are at least two novel aspects in our approach
which stem from the application of path-integral techniques to open
-branes. It is only recently that the path integral for open
has been considered in the literature, mainly in connection with
The first element of novelty, in our approach, is a modified field
strength formulation of higher rank gauge theories, including both ``electric''
and ``magnetic'' objects. The presence of extended magnetic monopoles requires
a careful treatment of the Bianchi Identities, which are instrumental in the
dualisation process.
A second original feature of our approach is that dualisation proceeds in two
different steps. To protect the gauge invariance of the model
against `` leakage '' across the -brane boundary one introduces a
Stückelberg compensating field.
Then duality transformation is first applied to the Stückelberg sector of
the model, and then to the remaining gauge part of the partially dualised
action. The final output is a massive, gauge invariant theory for higher
rank tensor and currents, written in terms of dual gauge potential and
dual Stückelberg field.
The interaction between -rank gauge potential
and the
-rank conpensator
leads to interesting physical effects: the
most evident one is a gauge invariant mass term for
but it is not the only one. The main result of our work is a pair
of (semi)classical effective action describing, in a gauge invariant way, the
interaction among electric and magnetic branes both in the original,
``electric'', phase and in the dual, ``magnetic'', phase. In the two
actions bulk and boundary dynamics are clearly splitted. While the bulk
interaction is screened by the mass of the gauge tensor field, the boundary
interaction is still long range, as a memory of the Stückelberg massless
gauge conpensator. This is an unexpected result suggesting some sort of
holographic principle is at work:
even when the Stückelberg field is ``eaten'' in a Goldstone-type way by the
gauge potential and disappear as a physical excitation in the bulk of the brane,
a footprint of the associated long range interaction is recorded on the boundary
of the brane itself.
We planned the paper by confining technical computational details to the
In Sect.II we give a brief introduction to the duality symmetry
among electric and magnetic -branes. We recover the quantization condition
of electric and magnetic charges as a consequence of the arbitrariness in the
choice of a the Dirac-type `` parent brane '' matching with the physical
object world manifold.
In Sect.III we first introduce the Stückelberg mechanism for open, electric,
-branes. Then, we perform a duality rotation and study the Stückelberg
mechanism in the ``magnetic phase'' of the model.
Sect.IV is devoted to a summary and discussion of the results we obtained.
In App.A we enlist the basic definitions we use throughout the paper.
In App.B we introduce the ``magnetic field strength'' and discuss its symmetry
In App.C we provide the details of the computations leading to the dual
action for a system of interacting electric and magnetic -branes.
the dual
equations and
references [3]
with the duality
In order to avoid an unpleasant proliferation of indices we shall adopt
the following notation:
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