Recent results about interplay, in the framework of noncommutative
Yang-Mills theories [15], suggest to investigate the behavior of
the action (36) by changing the size of the quantization volume
In the small volume limit, i.e.
, the main
contribution to
comes from the
and the Nambu-Goto action is recovered again. The quantization volume
drops out and the string tension, i.e.
, is determined
by the only relevant mass scale
In the opposite, large volume, limit, i.e.
the second term in the square root is small with respect to
and the
first non-vanishing contribution of the Taylor expansion is the Schild
action. In this regime the relevant energy scale is set
and the
corresponding string tension is
From a different point of view, Fairlie has recently pointed out some
intriguing analogy between the Born-Infeld and Nambu-Goto actions [14].
Our results supports this connection. We believe we
bridged the gap between four dimensional
gauge theories and fully reparametrization invariant string models.
We found new, non-trivial,
relationship between a class of generalized models and
Born-Infeld/Nambu-Goto strings, provided a new matrix degree of freedom,
, is introduced. In the original
connects the Yang-Mills phase, at
, with the, non-linear, Born-Infeld phase, where the
are given by equation (18).
In the large-
the order parameter becomes a world-sheet auxiliary field linearizing a
square root type Born-Infeld string model. The small, respectively, large
volume limits of this model correspond to Nambu-Goto and Schild actions.