PhD in PHYSICS (18th Cycle)

The University of Trieste announces the availability of 10 three-year fellowships as part of the PhD Program in Physics (18th Cycle). Four fellowships will be funded by the University central administration. Six additional fellowships will be funded by national research agencies, that will award the fellowships with the goal to offer advanced training in areas of strategic interest where personnel resources are currently scarce. It should be emphasized that award of a doctoral fellowship by a given agency implies no commitment to hire the student at the end of the PhD program.

All of the ten fellowships are open to EU citizen, as well as to non-EU citizens currently residing in EU-countries. The 6 additional doctoral fellowships described in what follows are also open to non-EU citizens currently residing in non-EU countries.:

INFM: Solid state physics or atomic physics research by means of synchrotron radiation (2 fellowships) Successful candidates will select their own doctoral research topic among those available at the different facilities of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFM) at ELETTRA and ESRF, two of the leading European synchrotron radiation sources, currently operating in Trieste and Grenoble (France). Experimental INFM facilities available include the ALOISA, ID16-RS, APE, AXES, BACH, BEAR, GAPH, GILDA and LILIT beamlines and endstations, with provisions for photoemission spectroscopy, optical absorption and reflectivity, diffraction, EXAFS, magnetic dichroism, optical and photoemission microscopy experiments on metals, semiconductors and insulators using ultraviolet or x-rays. Contact person: Prof. A. Franciosi, ph.: +39-040-3756421; e-mail: franciosi@tasc.infm.it

INFM: Electron behavior in low-dimensional systems studied by Quantum Monte Carlo methods Development of new models to explain the physics of electrons confined within semiconductor heterostructures, by means of quantum simulations over the continuum. Contact person: Prof. G. Senatore, ph.: +39-040-2240278; e-mail: senatore@ts.infn.it

INFM: Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of interfaces Atomic-scale simulation of solid/solid interfaces with special attention given to those of increasing technological interest for magneto-opto-electronic devices, with the aim of understanding and predicting their fundamental structural, electronic and magnetic properties. Work to be performed at the INFM Research and Development Center DEMOCRITOS (DEmocritos MOdeling Center for Research In aTOmistic Simulations). Contact person: Prof. Maria Peressi, ph.: +39-040-2240242; e-mail: peressi@trieste.infn.it

INFN: Topic to be selected by the candidate The Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) performs and coordinates experimental and theoretical research in nuclear physics, fundamental interactions and elementary particle physics, and in the development of the required instrumentation. The main INFN activity areas (Settori) are: Subnuclear physics with particle accelerators; subnuclear physics without particle accelerators; neutrinos and astroparticle physics; nuclear physics; theoretical physics; technological and interdisciplinary research. Contact person: Prof. T. Weber, ph.:+39-040-2240262; e-mail tullio.weber@trieste.infn.it

Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.: Experiments on the structure of matter by means of synchrotron radiation at ELETTRA Experiments by means of synchrotron radiation will be performed at the 2.0 GeV advanced light source ELETTRA. The atomic structure of the samples of interest will be studied by means of photoelectron diffraction, x-ray diffraction at surfaces, near-edge and EXAFS techniques, etc., complemented by scanning tunneling microscopy. The electronic structure will be investigated by means of photoemission spectroscopy, optical absorption and reflection, dichroism, etc. Contact person: Dr. G. Paolucci, ph.:+39-040-3758542; e-mail giorgio.paolucci@elettra.trieste.it

Admission requirements for the Physics PhD program (18th Cycle) and details about the selection process have been published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 69 – IV S.S. – on August 30, 2002 and can also be found online at: http://www-amm.univ.trieste.it/borse. Deadline for receipt of applications is October 21, 2002. Applications faxed by deadline should be followed by submission of signed originals by October 30, 2002.

Written admission exams for qualified applicants will take place at 9:00 a.m. on November 25, 2002 in classroom A, Department of Physics, Via Valerio 2, Trieste.

Oral admission exams for qualified applicants will take place at 9:00 a.m. on November 27, 2002 in classroom A, Department of Physics, Via Valerio 2, Trieste.


EXAMPLES OF PREVIOUS WRITTEN EXAMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE AT: http://physics.univ.trieste.it/Ricerca/Dottorandi.html

More information about admission exams to the doctoral program can be obtained from: Segreteria Dottorati di Ricerca, Universita' di Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, 34127 Trieste; phone: +39-040-6763182; FAX: 040-6763100; e-mail: dottorati@amm.univ.trieste.it More information about the University of Trieste can be found at: http://www.univ.trieste.it