As argued in Ref. [3], the conceptual foundations of
quantum mechanics are still the subject of debate, and thus ``it is
important to introduce undergraduate physics majors to non-standard
developments of quantum mechanics'' in the hope that exposure to such
developments, early in the curriculum, might motivate some students
to focus on the physical principles underlying the theory.
In this paper we have taken up that challenging task by
discussing a novel approach to the computation of the
sum over histories in the path integral.
On the mathematical side, we have suggested a phase space formulation
of the Feynman sum over paths in which the spatial
plays the role of a Lagrange
multiplier enforcing the classical equation of
motion (18) at the quantum level. Imposing such
a constraint, with the aid of a Dirac delta-distribution, reduces the
functional integral to an ordinary integral over the arbitrary values of
the initial momentum. In the simple case of a free,
non relativistic particle, the use of the phase space
path integral, or the Lagrangian formulation of it, is
largely a matter of choice, in the sense that one arrives
at the same expression of the propagation kernel. In the
case of relativistic extended systems, the use of the
phase space path integral along the same lines discussed
here, seems definitely advantageous, if not mandatory.
On the physical side, however, our formulation of the
path integral reflects a new mechanism of propagation
which, in our view, sheds some new light on the connection
between classical and quantum systems. The element of
novelty can be summarized thus: it is well known that
classical mechanics, which is a deterministic theory,
demands that one definite value of the initial position
and momentum be assigned a priori, and thereafter selects a
single classical trajectory that satisfies
the equation of motion. On the other hand, in quantum
mechanics one cannot fully specify the value of the
momentum of a precisely localized particle. The price to pay
for specifying the particle position at
, is that
is completely
arbitrary, and therefore one has to sum over all
possible values of the three-momentum. This brings
into the game the whole family of trajectories which
satisfy the classical equations of motion. With all
such channels of propagation open, a quantum particle
turns to a ``wave-like'' propagation mode, exploring
all of them by
``evolving simultaneously'' along all classical trajectories
corresponding to all possible values and orientations
of the momentum, up to the final point
where the particle is detected. Thus, as stated
in most textbooks of Quantum
Mechanics, but never fully clarified, a quantum
particle starts as a pointlike
object precisely located at a point, propagates as
a wave, only to reappear as a dot on a screen, at
the point of detection. We have exploited this
dual, wavelike, description of the family
of classical trajectories by connecting the quantum
evolution of a particle with the Jacobi formulation
of Classical Mechanics, i.e., by deriving the diffusion
equation from the propagation kernel, and vice versa.
The main purpose of the whole exercise was to test the
consistency of our approach, and its ability to reproduce
some standard results obtained by different methods.
Equally important, however, the objective was to clarify,
with the familiar example of a free particle, the connection between the
theory and the central idea upon which the path integral
formulation is
namely, that ``trajectories'' still play a
role in quantum mechanics and that
all paths, with their intrinsic randomness,
contribute to the evolution of the
wave function which is governed by the propagation
kernel. Having said that, we may add that our
mathematical analysis and its physical interpretation
extend well beyond the case of a free, non relativistic particle.
Indeed, the very possibility of formulating a quantum mechanics
of closed strings and other extended objects[9],
points to the effectiveness of our approach to the
path integral for studying new fundamental physics.
By an interesting feedback process, we have found that
many new formal and physical properties of our approach
to strings can be applied equally well to the case of a
point particle which is now regarded as the object of
lowest dimensionality in a hierarchy of geometric objects
to which the same dynamical principles seem to apply.
>From the present introduction,
the interested reader may eventually
progress to a more advanced discussion involving relativistic extended
systems, such as strings, membranes and p-branes, with a change in
notation rather than substance.