Eventually, one is interested in computing the quantum amplitude for the brane
to evolve from an initial (vacuum) state to a final, finite
volume, state. In general, the -brane ``two-point'' Green
function represents the
correlation function between an initial brane configuration
and a final configuration
. In
the quantum theory of -branes the Green function is obtained as a
sum over
all possible histories of the world-manifold
in the corresponding phase space. For the sake of simplicity, one may
``squeeze'' the initial boundary of the brane history
to a single point. In other words, the physical process that we
have in mind represents the quantum nucleation of a -brane so that the
propagator that we wish to determine connects an initial brane of zero size
to a final object of proper volume
. The corresponding amplitude is represented by the
Summing over ``all'' the brane histories in phase space means
summing over all the dynamical variables, that is,
the shapes of the
, over the
rates of shape change,
, and over
the bulk intrinsic geometries,
, with the
overall condition that the shape of the boundary is described by
and its intrinsic geometry by
. Thus,
where the only non-trivial integration is over the unconstrained
field .
Copying out all three functional integrations would
give us a boundary effective theory encoding all the information
about bulk quantum dynamics, in agreement with the Holographic
Principle. However, there are several technical difficulties that
need to be overcome before reaching that goal.
Let us begin with the shape variables
; they
appear in the path-integral as ``Fourier
integration variables'' linearly conjugated to the classical
equation of motion. Hence, the integration gives a (functional)
Dirac-delta that confines on-shell:
The proportionality constant in front of the Dirac-delta is
physically irrelevant and can be set equal to unity.
Integrating out the brane coordinates is equivalent to ``shifting
from configuration space to momentum space'' in a functional
sense. However, the momentum integration is not free, but is
restricted by Eq. (45) to the family of classical
trajectories that are solutions of equation
(15). Then, we can
write the two-points Green function as follows
where is a normalization factor to be determined at the end of
the calculations, is the effective action (25)
and we integrate over the zero mode components in the ordinary
sense, that is, we integrate over numbers and not over functions.
It may be worth emphasizing that we have traded the
original set of scalar fields with the ``Fourier
conjugated'' modes , , . Then
We recall that
At this point, we would like to factor out of the whole
path-integral the boundary dynamics, i.e. we would like to write
. In order to achieve this
splitting between bulk and
boundary dynamics, we need to remove the dependence on the
-component of the bulk metric in
. In other words, we are looking for a propagator
plays the role
of ``Euclidean distance'' between the initial and final
configuration. In support of this interpretation, we also need a
suitable parameter that plays the role of ``proper time''
along the history of the branes connecting the initial and final
configurations. The obvious candidate for that role
is the proper time lapse.
However, the -field is subject to quantum fluctuations, so that the
proper time lapse is a quantum variable itself. Accordingly, a
-number can be defined only as a
quantum average of the proper world volume operator
Thus, we replace the quantum proper volume
with the
quantum average in
and write the boundary propagator in the form
while the amplitude becomes
The ``bulk'' quantum physics is encoded now into the path-integral
Equation (52) presents a new problem: the constraint
over the metric integration, which allowed us to factor out the
dynamics, is highly non-linear as it depends on the vacuum average
of the quantum volume. However, we can get around this difficulty
by replacing the Dirac delta with an exponential weight factor
where is a constant Lagrange multiplier. Thus,
we first perform all calculations with as an arbitrary
evolution parameter and only at the end we impose the condition
In this way, we can write the dependent amplitude in
the form
where the bulk quantum physics is encoded into the path-integral