A classical string is a one-dimensional, spatially extended
object, so that its timelike orbit in spacetime is described by a
smooth, two-dimensional manifold. However, since the advent of
quantum theory and general relativity, the notion of spacetime as a
preexisting manifold in which physical events take place, is
undergoing a process of radical revision. Thus, reflecting on those
two major revolutions in physics of this century, Edward Witten
writes [1], ``Contemporary developments in theoretical
physics suggest that another revolution may be in progress, through
which a new source of ``fuzziness'' may enter physics, and
spacetime itself may be reinterpreted as an approximate, derived
concept.''. The new source of fuzziness comes from string theory,
specifically from the introduction of the new fundamental constant,
(), which determines the tension of the string.
Thus, at scales comparable to
spacetime becomes
fuzzy, even in the absence of conventional
quantum effects (
). While the
exact nature of this fuzziness is unclear, it manifests itself in a new
form of Heisenberg's principle, which now depends on both
Thus, in Witten's words, while ``a proper
theoretical framework for the [new] uncertainty principle has not yet
emerged, [...] the natural framework of the [string] theory may
eventually prove to be inherently quantum mechanical.''.
The essence of the above remarks, at least in our interpretation, is
that there may exist different degrees of fuzziness in the
making of spacetime, which set in at various scales of length, or
energy, depending on the nature and resolution of the Heisenberg
microscope used to probe its structure. In other words,
spacetime becomes a sort of dynamical variable, responding to quantum
mechanical resolution just as, in general relativity, it
responds to mass-energy. The response of spacetime to mass-energy is
curvature. Its response to resolution seems to be
``fractalization''. This, in a nutshell, is the central
thesis of this paper.
Admittedly, in the above discussion, the term ``fuzziness'' is loosely
defined, and the primary aim of this paper is to suggest a precise
measure of the degree of fuzziness of the quantum mechanical path
of a string. In order to achieve this objective, we need two things, a)
the new form of the uncertainty principle for strings, and b) the
explicit form of the wave-packet for string loops. Then, we will be
able to compute the Hausdorff dimension of a quantum string and to
identify the parameter which controls the transition from the smooth
phase to the fractal phase.
There are some finer points of this broadly defined program that
seem worth emphasizing at this introductory stage, before we
embark on a technical discussion of our results. The main point is
that, unlike superstring theory, our formulation represents an
attempt to construct a quantum mechanical theory of (closed)
strings in analogy to the familiar case of point-particles. The ground
work of this approach was developed by the authors in two previous
papers, in which we have extended the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation
and Feynman's path integral approach to the case of classical and
quantum closed strings [2], [3]. That work was
largely inspired by the line functional approach of Carson and Hosotani
[4], and by the non-canonical quantization method proposed
by Eguchi [5], and this is reflected by our unconventional
choice of dynamical variables for the string, namely, the spacelike
area enclosed by the string loop and its 2-form conjugate
momentum. Furthermore, central to our own quantum mechanical
approach, is the choice of ``time variable'', which we take to be the
timelike, proper area of the string manifold,
in analogy to the point-particle case.
Presently, we are interested primarily in the analysis of the quantum
fluctuations of a string loop. By quantum fluctuations, we mean a
random transition, or quantum jump, between different string
configurations. Since in any such process, the shape of the loop
changes, we refer to it as a ``shape shifting'' process. We find that
any such process, random as it is, is subject to an extended form of
the uncertainty principle which forbids the exact, simultaneous
knowledge of the string shape and its area conjugate momentum. The
main consequence of the Shape Uncertainty Principle is the
``fractalization'' of the string orbit in spacetime. The degree of
fuzziness of the string world-sheet is measured by its Hausdorff
dimension, whose limiting value we find to be
In order to obtain this result, we need the
gaussian form of a string wave-packet, which we construct as an
explicit solution of the functional Schrodinger equation for loops.
Next, we try to quantify the transition from the classical, or smooth
phase, to the quantum, or fractal phase. Use of the Shape Uncertainty
Principle, and of the explicit form of the loop wave-packet, enables
us to identify the control parameter of the transition with the
DeBroglie area characteristic of the loop. Accordingly, the paper is
organized as follows:
in Section 2, we discuss the basic solutions of the loop
Schrödinger equation. These solutions represent the analogue of the plane
wave and gaussian wave-packet in ordinary quantum mechanics. In
Section 3, we introduce the Shape Uncertainty Principle which
governs the shape shifting processes in loop quantum mechanics.
Section 4 is devoted to the fractal properties of the string quantum
path. We compute its Hausdorff dimension and study the
classical-to-fractal transition. Section 5
concludes the paper with a summary
of our results and some final remarks on the formal aspects of this work.
Stefano Ansoldi
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Trieste