In this paper we have discussed effects of mass generation in an
external magnetic field and of tachyonic mass generation in an
external electric field in the case in which there is a pseudo scalar
field with a pseudo scalar coupling
. The effects due to the presence of the psedo scalars are
fully considered: indeed in the derivation of an effective
theory for the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field, the
contributions from quantum fluctuations of the pseudo scalars are
taken into account using a non-perturbative approach.
In the purely magnetic case the mass production for the electromagnetic fluctuations can be interpreted as in the cited works already present in the literature: the differences that we find in the eigenvalues of the propagator can be traced back to the non-perturbative character of our approach, as opposed to the perturbative analysis performed elsewhere.
A more careful discussion is instead required for the purely electric
background, in connection with what we have called tachyonic
mass generation. Indeed the appearance of an imaginary part in the
free energy suggests the presence of an instability for homogeneous
electric fields beyond some threshold due to pseudo scalar
coupling. This means that the vacuum state must be redefined, to
obtain a correct ground state for the theory. The analysis of what
becomes the true ground state, a genuinely non perturbative effect, is
beyond the scope of this manuscript. Nevertheless we would like, at
least, to suggest a possible and simple, although incomplete, answer
to this question. Indeed an analysis of Cornwall [22]
indicates that in the case of a -dimensional, euclidean, tachyonic
mass term (which in our discussion is generated by the time dependent
scalar field of equation (2) but can have also
another origin) the final result is the formation of an inhomogeneous
state. Then, properly generalizing to our set-up the results described
in [8], where inhomogeneous electromagnetic fields
are shown to decay in pseudoscalars, it is not unreasonable to
understand under what we have called tachyonic mass generation
a real ``tachyonic instability of the vacuum''.
From the result of equation (31) it is possible to
see that the free energy is well-defined in the limit of vanishing
background fields (). Thus our effect is a genuinely
non-perturbative one and does not relate to a particular choice of the
regularization scheme. Moreover it is worth pointing out again that
this ``tachyonic instability of the vacuum'' for fluctuations around a
constant external electric field, is characterized by a threshold
effect, i.e. the tachyonic mass generation is switched on for
electric fields high enough, so that
. In the case of the neutral pion, we can obtain the value of the
effective pion-photon coupling, defined by
equation (2), from the observed value of the
neutral pion lifetime [20] and from the value of the
decay rate given the
coupling (2) [21]. This gives
us the values
A different question would be then the study of this effect in the case of hypothetical axion particles. In this case, the threshold for the tachyonic mass generation to be set up becomes lower as lower values for the mass of the axion are considered.
Apart from the purely electric case, which is more subtle and, maybe, more exciting because of the exotic tachyonic mass term, it could be interesting a more detailed analysis of the magnetic case in connection with the set-up of PVLAS a presently running experiment at the Legnaro I.N.F.N. laboratories, near Venice, Italy.
Finally a totally different role for these effects, could be in the
context of QCD. There, it is known that an external chromo-magnetic
fields presents tachyonic instability. If we were to add a particle
with coupling to
(this particle could represent a pseudo scalar
bound state of quark and anti-quark pairs), we know that the effect of
the external chromo-magnetic field together with the pseudo scalar
coupling is of generating mass. The interplay of these two effects
could then be an interesting subject for further research.