We conclude this letter with a remark on a general property of interacting
dual theories in regards to external currents. As it can be seen from
equation (23) the current which is coupled to the gauge
can be expressed in terms of the bulk current as
. On the other hand, in the
absence of a magnetic current, one can see from (26) that the
dual potential
couples to another electric current as a
consequence of the dualization procedure. This second current, while implicitly
related to
, say
, is not necessarily given by the
divergence of the boundary current. Hence, a priori these two currents are
not related to each other in most theories encompassed by our procedure.
However, an exception to the rule is found in the limiting case
. In such
a case, one can see that the two currents are given by the explicit expressions:
, where
a zero-form8.
This explicit representation of the two currents leads to the identification
which shows that, in the limiting case,
they are, in fact, related by the Hodge duality operation.