Quenching Approximation amounts to take into account the contributions
of the slow modes, described by the eigenvalues of the momentum matrix
and ``integrate out'' the non-diagonal fast modes. The final
result is to turn the original gauge theory is transformed into a quantum
mechanical model where the physical degrees of freedom are carried by
large coordinate independent matrices. Finally,
the spacetime volume integration is regularized by enclosing the system
in a ``box'' of four-volume
The resulting quenched action is
The large- quantum properties of the matrix model (16) can be
effectively investigated by means of the Wigner-Weyl-Moyal correspondence
between matrices and functions, i.e. Symbols, defined over a
noncommutative phase space.
The resulting theory is a deformation of an ordinary field theory, where the ordinary product
between functions is replaced by a non-commutative
The deformation parameter, measuring the amount of non-commutativity,
results to be
, and the classical limit corresponds exactly to the
limit. The final result is a string action of the Schild type,
which is invariant under area-preserving reparametrization of the world-sheet.
More recently, we have also shown that bag-like objects fit the
large- spectrum of Yang-Mills type theories as well, both in four
[9] and higher dimensions.
Here, we would like to explore a different route leading in
a straightforward way to a Nambu-Goto string action. Having discussed the
role of the auxiliary field in bridging the gap between Schild and
Nambu-Goto actions at the classical level, we propose the following improved
gauge matrix model
where, is a
diagonal matrix. In a different
framework, a similar matrix variable have been introduced to build a consistent
path integral for the matrix version of type IIB superstring model
We see, as things stand up to now there seems to be a qualitative
difference between equation
(17) and equation (9). This is the absence of the
analogous to the last term in eq. (17), the one that contains only
, which is absent in eq.(9).
Nevertheless the corresponding demand that the "measure"
be a
``total derivative'' can be implemented in simple ways also in the matrix